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Is Dumbledore problematic?

Is Dumbledore problematic?

The most problematic thing about Dumbledore is the fact that he was aligned with, and helped create, bigoted ideology about Muggles and Muggle-borns and a political platform with Grindelwald. This puts him on nearly the same level of bigotry as Grindelwald himself and Voldemort.

Why is there so much Dumbledore bashing?

Some of his decisions are good, and others, not so much—but it all works out in the end. But it’s hard for many people to look past Dumbledore’s Machiavellian aspects and mistakes, hence the bashing.

Is Dumbledore a good guy?

Dumbledore is a man of power, for good and bad. Previously, we saw his best side. His admission of caring for Harry when he should have been more detached is endearing to Harry and the reader, but it is also revealing. The brilliant wizard Dumbledore is also a very shrewd tactician.

Was Dumbledore bad or good?

Throughout the Harry Potter series, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore acts as a benevolent force who guides Harry and his friends through adventures both large and small. However, when you look at disturbing facts about Dumbledore, it’s clear he’s irresponsible at best, and legitimately evil at worst.

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Is Albus Dumbledore a villain?

On the other hand, Dumbledore works alongside Gellert Grindelwald and doesn’t tell Harry about the prophecy right away. These facts make Dumbledore neither a hero nor a villain. Dumbledore fits best in the antihero category, a main character who lacks traditional heroic traits.

Is Albus Dumbledore the most complex character ever written?

Without a doubt, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is one of the most complex, interesting and compassionate characters ever written.

Is Dumbledore good or bad in Harry Potter?

At first glance, Dumbledore is one of the good guys of the Harry Potter series. He’s the benevolent headmaster of Hogwarts, he helps Harry fight Voldemort, and he comes across as nothing but friendly – for the first few books, at least.

How smart is Dumbledore supposed to be?

Dumbledore is supposed to be hella smart and know tons about magic (both dark and good). And what does Dumbledore do? Shrug and sit back, almost as if he’s too curious to see what will happen to actually bother protecting Harry. Nice.

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Did Dumbledore ever really change his spots?

Sure, Dumbledore admitted he’d handled this badly, but there’s not really an excuse for that when it was Harry’s life being lied about. Do people really change their spots that much? Dumbledore was literally hanging around, being best friends with the darkest wizard to ever grace the world, aside from Voldemort and maybe Salazar Slytherin himself.