
What piercings can a 17 year old get?

What piercings can a 17 year old get?

Piercings for Minors

Age Services Offered
16 or 17 years old Earlobes and All Ear Cartilage Piercings Nostril and Septum Piercings Eyebrow Piercings Tongue and Lip Piercings, including Labret, Beauty Mark, & Philtrum Piercings Navel Piercings

How old should you be to get a nose piercing?

Most states allow body piercing for teenagers aged between 14 and 18 years old as long as they have parental consent. Some states require the parent to accompany their teenager for the piercing appointment, others just require written consent.

How to take care of a nose piercing after it has been pierced?

Here are some aftercare tips: Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the pierced area. Use bulb syringes or cotton balls to gently apply saline solution to the piercing for three minutes. If you have oily skin or acne, use a clean towel or cotton pad to wipe your nose gently so as not to irritate the piercing.

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How do I know if my nose piercing is infected?

How to Recognize an Infection. The tissue trauma of getting a nose piercing causes some redness, tenderness, and swelling, which may not show up until a day or two after the initial piercing. Being sore and a little red after getting a nose piercing is completely normal.

Should I get a hoop or a stud for my nose piercing?

You can choose either a stud or a hoop as your initial jewelry, but the hoop will cause the piercing to heal with a slight curve, so it’s recommended that you start with a nose stud. You can always switch to a hoop later. Studs come with a variety of prong styles; the one you choose will come down to personal preference.

Can you put tea tree oil on a nose piercing?

Test for a reaction before applying the oil to your nose. Simply dab a diluted amount on your forearm and wait 24 hours. If you don’t feel any irritation or see any swelling, then you are clear to apply tea tree oil to your piercing. Saline and sea salt solutions are also a favorite among both piercers and medical professionals alike.