
How long does a Kaggle competition take?

How long does a Kaggle competition take?

Competitions typically last between two to six months, and contributors are allowed to upload five entries per day (as an individual or team). One of the most critical questions that most people ask when getting started on Kaggle is whether they possess the necessary skills to take part in Kaggle competitions.

How long does it take to become Kaggle expert?

You should spend ~5 hours daily on Kaggle Forums to get to Expert quickly. I made about 100 comments to actually collect the required 50 bronze medals. DO NOT BEG for upvotes, this will have a reverse effect and get you downvotes most of the times. Pay attention to the section where you are publishing your posts.

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How long does it take to master kaggle?

Median time to become a Master is ~1.25 yrs for Kernels & Competition but ~ 1 yr 8 months for Discussion !! Median time to become a Grandmaster is highest for Competition , almost 2 years !!

What are Kaggle points and how are they calculated?

The objective of Kaggle points is to keep Kaggle rankings both competitive and contemporary. The formula for point decay is e-t/500 – where t refers to the number of days elapsed after a point is awarded. In a competition, Kaggle points are awarded depending on the performance in a competition based on how many people for a team.

How to become an expert on Kaggle?

To become an expert in discussions a user needs fifty bronze medals, two bronze medals for competitions category, and five to become an expert in kernel category. This is the second highest level on Kaggle and takes a lot of effort and commitment to attain.

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What is a Kaggle competition master level?

If you are at the master level in the competitions category, you get the express permission to take part in prestigious projects reserved for top-tier Kaggle contributors and only accessible to Kaggle masters. To achieve competition masters level a user needs to have two silver medals and at least one gold medal.

What are the different Kaggle performance tiers?

Within each category, there are different performance tiers that a Kaggle contributor achieves depending on the quality and amount of work that they do. In each category, there are five performance levels with the lowest performance tiers being Novice and then Contributor.