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Which comic does the Batman Who Laughs kill the Justice League?

Which comic does the Batman Who Laughs kill the Justice League?

Batman and Superman’s brand new series is all about the two heroes finding the Batman Who Laughs and bringing him to justice. Unfortunately, in Batman/Superman #1, the Justice League from the twisted Batman’s reality were killed by the deranged hero.

Did the Batman Who Laughs kill the Spectre?

The villain explains that, on his Earth, he had to fight the immensely powerful Spectre. However, The Batman Who Laughs came out on top after finding a spell “to cage him and kill him.” That’s the same spell The Batman Who Laughs is using here to keep The Phantom Stranger prisoner.

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Did the Batman who laughs beat Superman?

3 Murdering the Justice League Entering the weapons vault of the Justice League’s Watchtower, Batman confiscated many of the greatest weapons of the team’s deadliest enemies and then used these weapons against his former allies. He killed every member of the team except one: Superman.

Can anyone beat the Batman who laughs?

Unfortunately, The Batman Who Laughs doesn’t rely solely on his own fighting skills and technology anymore to win a battle. Even if Ironman summons an army of his automated armors in battle, The Batman Who Laughs would just obliterate them with his matter manipulating powers.

How does the Batman Who Laughs lose?

The Batman Who Laughs is defeated when the Prime Universe Batman is aided by the Joker, who notes the alternate Batman’s failure to perceive this scenario due to still being a version of Batman.

What happened to the Justice League in Batman and Superman?

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Batman and Superman ‘s brand new series is all about the two heroes finding the Batman Who Laughs and bringing him to justice. Unfortunately, in Batman/Superman #1, the Justice League from the twisted Batman’s reality were killed by the deranged hero.

What happened to the Batman who laughs?

Fans already know that the Batman Who Laughs was unhinged but seeing all of the carnage is still tough to see. Martian Manhunter was caught mid-shapeshift, and Plastic Man was sickly contorted. Wonder Woman was strangled by her own lasso of truth.

Who is writing Batman/Superman issue 1?

Batman/Superman #1 is written by Joshua Williamson and drawn by David Marquez with colors by Alejandro Sanchez and letters by John J. Hill. You can check out the official description of the issue below. “Up in the sky, in the dark of the night, trust no one—for the Secret Six walk among us.

Who is Billy Batson in Batman and Superman?

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Batman ends up taking a hit from the kid, and when Superman tries to calm the child down the heroes are shocked to see what lengths their new enemy will go. The kid tells them that he’s Billy Batson. Before the heroes know it, they have to deal with the power of Shazam.