
What is the first thing you want to do after finishing school?

What is the first thing you want to do after finishing school?

What To Do After High School: 9 Things To Do Besides College

  1. Travel Abroad. Graduation means freedom from classwork, exams, teachers, and extracurricular activities.
  2. Do Charity Work.
  3. Save Money.
  4. Concentrate on Your Passion.
  5. Go After a Fellowship.
  6. Become an Online Entrepreneur.
  7. Intern with Projects Abroad.
  8. Join the Military.

What are the things to do after graduation?

There are a variety of options available on what to do after graduation. So, it’s important for you to do your research….Take up a job

  • Provides financial stability and work experience.
  • An early start to your career.
  • Independence.

What do you do after graduation from college?

Consider this list of things to do after college graduation to help you find what might be your best next steps: Regroup at home. Continue your education. Become a research assistant. Take a gap year. Find an internship. Turn your passion into a job.

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What has College taught you about yourself?

Before you do anything, take some time to reflect on your experience and the lessons you’ve learned. You may not have realized it, but college has definitely taught you a lot of lessons. It was a pivotal moment in your life where you went through a lot of ups and downs, changes, and probably even hell.

Should you reunite with your major after 40 years?

That’s only a minor problem though. You have 40 years to reunite your job with your major — or to find out your major may not have major bearing on what you do in life. Your 20s are lonelier than you think they’ll be. They’re glamorized in culture, presented as the time of your life.

What jobs can you get After college?

Sometimes, the job you want after college requires more education. Many community colleges offer individual classes to help you prepare for the workforce. Additionally, trade schools can help you gain hands-on skills and qualifications for vocational jobs. 3. Become a research assistant