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What do you intend to do after completion of your studies?

What do you intend to do after completion of your studies?

Here are some potential ways to start the next chapter of your life.

  1. Take a break and go traveling. After working so hard during your degree, you definitely deserve a break.
  2. Continue your studies.
  3. Find a graduate job.
  4. Become an entrepreneur.
  5. Get yourself an internship.

How many more years is a PhD after a Masters?

Time commitment-Many American PhD programs do not offer significant coursework reduction for students who already have Master’s degrees. This means that they will have to do a five to seven year PhD on top of their one to three year Master’s.

What will you do after completion of your studies?

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Here are some potential ways to start the next chapter of your life.

  • Take a break and go traveling. After working so hard during your degree, you definitely deserve a break.
  • Continue your studies.
  • Find a graduate job.
  • Become an entrepreneur.
  • Get yourself an internship.

Can I get opt again after PhD?

Short answer, NO (in most cases)… unless you have not used up all of your 12 month OPT after completing first masters or even applied for 12 month OPT and got it approved by USCIS. i.e. you get one 12 month OPT for Bachelors, One for Masters and one for PhD. The majors or number of degrees in one level does not matter.

Can a F1 visa be rejected for a second Masters degree?

If your answer is not convincing enough to the visa officer, then your F1 Visa would likely be Rejected! That’s what happened with this student’s F1 Visa Interview. I received this email from a reader who sent her F1 Visa Interview Experience for a second Masters degree. I got F1 visa rejection for second masters degree.

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Do you struggle with Visa requirements as a foreign PhD student?

You are not alone. There are thousands of PhDs in your shoes, wanting to transition out of academia but struggling with visa requirements. As a foreign PhD student, you have benefits that you need to leverage along with your knowledge of immigration policy.

What are the most common visa options for international PhD students?

Here are 5 of the most common visa options international PhD students must know to help get an early advantage while focusing on your career transition … 1. F1-OPT. If you came to the U.S. as a graduate student, you must have started out on an F1 visa, also known as a student visa.

What is the F1 visa interview like?

The purpose behind the F1 visa interview is that the consular officer wants to know more about you as an applicant aside of what the documents say about you and understand if you wish to enter the United States to study for real, or if there is any other reason behind their application. Therefore, you must be prepared in advance for the interview.