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Can I pitch an idea to Ubisoft?

Can I pitch an idea to Ubisoft?

We appreciate your energy and the time you share with us and all the other players. However, we are not able to accept any ideas or suggestions. Our ideas policy goes into further details. That said, there is always a place in the gaming industry for creative and enthusiastic people like you.

Can you send game ideas to companies?

You cannot. Game development studios and publishers destroy or return un-opened any unsolicited pitches sent to them, and keep very thorough records of having done so. Your sending a video game idea to them is a legal liability in addition to being just plain unnecessary.

Who makes ideas for video games?

Game Designers At the top of the list of dream jobs for gamers is video game designer. Those who work in this occupation come up with the concepts that eventually become video games. They see those ideas through to fruition by developing storylines and characters and then guiding them through production.

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How do I send a message to Ubisoft?

[email protected] is our account support mailing email. Please send us a direct message with your account username and email address.

How do I get a hold of Ubisoft?

You can contact Ubisoft via their toll-free customer phone number at 919-460-9778. Through this line, you can address issues like missing items, account recovery, charge disputes, game and server problems, appealing a ban, giving feedback, and more.

Can you patent a video game idea?

If you’re wondering how to patent a game, the first thing you need to know is that you can’t patent a game idea, just like you cannot copyright an idea for a book. Some gaming developers, both the computer and board games inventors, have made significant income from their inventions, but it’s not necessarily the norm.

What job comes up with ideas for video games?

If you have the commitment, skills and drive to immerse yourself in the world of video games, the possibilities are endless.

  • Games Designer.
  • Software Developer and Game Programmer.
  • Audio Engineer.
  • Games Animator.
  • Games Artist.
  • Interpreters and Translators.
  • Game Play Tester.
  • Professional Gamer.
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Can I submit product ideas or game concepts from non-employees?

We’re not able to accept product ideas or game concepts from non-employees outside of Electronic Arts. We love that you’re just as passionate about games as we are, and we know how much time and effort goes into game and product ideas and submissions.

What do investors look for in a game business plan?

Investors insist on a solid business model (not business plan), and more importantly, traction and social proof of your ideas. This means, you have to ALREADY have a minimum viable product built and some form of proof that people are interested in your idea. Games are no exception to this.

Do you think your video game idea would make money?

An idea does not equate revenue. Yep, sorry, but video games is an industry, an industry is a business, and to be successful it needs to be profitable. Why do you think your idea would make a dime? (see above about a ‘great’ idea I recently received… twice). Let’s say you have some experience, and you know what P&L and FP&A are and how to do them.

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Do you accept unsolicited game and product ideas?

That means we cannot and do not consider unsolicited submissions of game and product ideas from anyone other than our employees—whether we receive them in person, by phone, by email, or otherwise—and we return or destroy all submission materials we receive.