
What career is better police or firefighter?

What career is better police or firefighter?

Jokes aside, neither job is better than the other. Both cops and firefighters are necessary and very important when they are needed. If there is a big fire or a serious medical emergency, the firefighter is better trained and equipped to handle it. However, if there is someone shooting, the police are who you want.

Who makes more a nurse or a firefighter?

This means, depending on where you work, firefighters may not always make less in salary than nurses, even though the national average is considerably lower.

Is it easier to become a police officer or firefighter?

An average police academy is closer to six months, where a fire academy is more like 3-4 months. Though the training for both doesn’t end after the academy is done. There is much more to be learned on the job for either profession. Both academies have militaristic procedures and expectations.

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Can firefighters make a lot of money?

If you include extra pay and overtime, it’s very possible for many firefighters to make over six figures per year. If you are in a more average paying area, you can still make more than 100 thousand dollars per year, depending on how much overtime hours are available and how much you are willing to work.

What cities pay firefighters the most?

Best-Paying Cities for Firefighters The metropolitan areas that pay the highest salary in the firefighter profession are San Jose, Vallejo, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Oxnard.

Is it better to be a police officer or a firefighter?

Verdict: Police have better career advancement opportunities. There are good career advancement opportunities in both professions. As a firefighter, your best bet is to climb the ladder of command in your own department before seeking sideways movement into other specialties.

How much does an officer make a year compared to a nurse?

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Officer salaries averaged $55,010 per year in 2010 and should see a 7 percent increase in employment through 2020, a rate that is considered lower than average, according to the BLS. Nursing candidates, on the other hand, need a college education. Licensed vocational and licensed practical nurses take accredited programs that last about a year.

Do firefighters work with civilians?

Firefighters may still deal with them, but not so much. This point follows on from the above point, but is a point all on its own. Firefighters don’t tend to have civilian interactions as part of their core job description. Firefighters are her to work with fires. Police officers work with people.

What education do you need to become a police officer?

Both the jobs require the applicant to have a high school diploma. They both encourage higher education to improve your chances at promotion and a higher salary. For fighters, a degree or course in fire science is required. But in the case of police officers, they require you to have a degree in criminal justice.