
What type of person is Joe from you?

What type of person is Joe from you?

Joe is somebody who has a combination of antisocial personality disorder traits and also borderline personality disorder traits.

What is the personality of Joe Goldberg?

Joe Goldberg is an unhealthy INFJ personality type.

What is Love’s diagnosis in you?

“Obsessive love disorder” (OLD) refers to a condition where you become obsessed with one person you think you may be in love with. You might feel the need to protect your loved one obsessively, or even become controlling of them as if they were a possession.

Is Joe Goldberg a serial killer?

Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley) and Love (Victoria Pedretti) are serial killers. But they go about their murders differently, and there are categories of different types of serial killers.

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Is Joe in you a narcissist?

Gripping Netflix psychological thriller You is now deep into season three. It follows the life of Joe Goldberg, a man obsessed with women, stalking them, and eliminating threats to his dominance. But narcissistic personality disorder, like Joe’s, is a real mental health condition.

Is Joe Goldberg good or bad?

I assume you’re talking about the character from the Netflix show, “You.” If so, no, Joe Goldberg is not a good guy. He is sneaky and takes things from people. He spies on people and learns things about them that they wouldn’t have wanted him to learn.

What Zodiac is Joe?

Joe’s Sun Sign is Cancer. With the Moon as his ruling planet, his moods are easily changeable. He’s very emotional about the people and things he cares about in his life, but at the same time, he’s also subject to a lot of emotional ups and downs.

What is complex personality disorder?

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Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex condition. It affects how a person feels about themselves and others. BPD is characterized by intense, unstable emotions and relationships as well as insecurity and self-doubt.

Why do people like Goldberg so much?

Goldberg “seems to be an amalgam of personality traits at abnormal levels that are constructed to make a good story and create a character that elicits a certain amount of empathy” in viewers, despite the fact he murders people, Rutledge told Insider. In reality, very few people with mental illness behave like this in real life.

Is ‘You’ a realistic portrayal of mental health?

According to Scott, this shift in understanding his diagnosis makes “You” feel like a more realistic portrayal of mental health. “Mental health relies on nuance because it is nuance,” Scott said. “A diagnosis is almost never clean-cut and disorders overlap.

Why is Goldberg so violent in the book?

In some ways, Goldberg embodies both conditions because he’s constantly violent when he believes a person has wronged him, a common justification people with both illnesses make for their behavior.

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What did Whoopi Goldberg do to Benji?

For example, in season 1 of “You,” Goldberg hit a man named Benji, his love interest Beck’s boyfriend, over the head with a mallet, locked him in a glass box, and killed Benji a few days later.