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What is two contrasting pieces of music?

What is two contrasting pieces of music?

It just means something else that is different from another. Contrasting pieces at the composer level would be Beethoven’s piano sonata #1 and #32. Both piece are strikingly different.

How do you write a repertoire list?

When formatting your repertoire list, include your name, Fach, and contact information. List not only your arias but also the operas they are from and the composer’s name. Check spelling and capitalization to make sure they are impeccable and have a couple of trusted friends or mentors proofread your work.

What is a audition repertoire?

Generally speaking, compositions that appear on state Solo & Ensemble contest lists are considered acceptable examples of appropriate audition repertoire. Vocal Performance. Students should prepare two songs of contrasting style, one preferably in a foreign language. At least one of the songs should be memorized.

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What should a music resume look like?

How to write a musician resume

  • Create a header. The top of your resume should include your full name in bold.
  • Write your professional profile.
  • Include an education section.
  • Mention your performance experience.
  • List relevant skills.
  • Include awards.

What is a comprehensive repertoire list?

(The purpose of the repertoire list is to detail what pieces you have studied and performed in order to give the audition committee a sense of your musical background and depth. Your repertoire list may be longer or shorter, depending on years of study. This rep list is an example of a tuba player’s repertoire.)

What are college music auditions like?

Usually, the audition committee expects to hear a variety of music: a slow piece; some Bach to see musicality and understanding of style; and a fast piece, like the first movement of a concerto, to show virtuosity.

What does solo repertoire mean?

Repertoire (pronounce: “Re-per-twahr”) is a French word used in music and in the theatre. It means a list of pieces of music or plays. That means that much more solo music has been written for the violin than for the viola. A theatre company may have a “repertoire”. That means all the plays that they regularly perform.

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What is a musician resume?

Musician resumes differ slightly from regular resumes because musician resumes include a performance experience section instead of a work experience section. Here you list your music history, including what organization you played for, the location, the dates and any additional facts like what chair position you were.

What should be on a musician resume?

List of Skills to Put on a Musician Resume

Soft Skills Performance Skills
Interpersonal Skills Symphony Experience
Communication Chamber Music
Collaboration Opera
Leadership Pit Orchestra

How do you make a musical Theatre repertoire?

How to Build Up Your Musical Theatre Repertoire

  1. Step 1: Find out your vocal type.
  2. Step 2: Select a song from the “golden age”
  3. Step 3: Pick out a “post-golden age” song.
  4. Step 4: Pick out a “pre-contemporary” song.
  5. Step 5: Find a great contemporary song.
  6. Step 6: Select a character/comedic song.

How do you impress an audition song?

How To Ace The Music Audition – Ten Tips To Make You Shine When It Counts

  1. Build your musical network.
  2. Learn the music.
  3. Be flexible.
  4. Know who you are auditioning for.
  5. Be professional – always.
  6. Bring documentation.
  7. Ask about gear, and consider bringing your own.
  8. Dress the part.
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What is a contrasting piece in music?

A contrasting piece would depend on what it’s contrasting. It just means something else that is different from another. Contrasting pieces at the composer level would be Beethoven’s piano sonata #1 and #32. Both piece are strikingly different. Contrasting pieces occur among composers, Liszt’s works compared to Chopin’s.

What is the difference between Chopin’s and Liszt’s piece?

Both piece are strikingly different. Contrasting pieces occur among composers, Liszt’s works compared to Chopin’s. Contrasting pieces occur over periods: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionism, 20th Century, Modern.

How many bars do you ask for in an audition clip?

Judging panels usually ask for 16 – 32 Bar excerpts and they want to hear all you can do in that short amount of time. We want to help you choose the perfect audition piece for you, so we’re going to give you some Audition Cuts that have been arranged to show off your voice in either 16 Bars or 32 Bars.