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Were mercenaries real in ancient Greece?

Were mercenaries real in ancient Greece?

Greek mercenaries were hired in large numbers toward the end of the fifth century B.C. This rise in mercenaries was due to various socio-economic and political circumstances that forced a large number of soldiers to fight for money and not for their country.

What did Greeks call mercenaries?

There is evidence of mercenaries (misthophoroi (plural), misthios (singular male), misthia (singular female) in Greek) being hired in Ancient Greece from the 6th century BC.

Were there mercenaries in medieval times?

Routiers (French: [ʁutje]) were mercenary soldiers of the Middle Ages. The term is first used in the 12th century but is particularly associated with free companies who terrorised the French countryside during the Hundred Years’ War.

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When did mercenaries start in ancient Greece?

There is evidence of mercenaries ( misthophoroi in Greek) being hired in Ancient Greece from the 6th century BC. The tyrants of that time hired bodyguards from other city-states.

What are the best mercenary armies in history?

6 Legendary Mercenary Armies From History. 1 1. The Ten Thousand. 2 2. The White Company. 3 3. The Swiss Guard. 4 4. The Flying Tigers. 5 5. The Catalan Grand Company.

What happened to the four mercenaries sentenced to death in 1976?

The four mercenaries sentenced to death were shot by a firing squad on 10 July 1976. The legal status of civilian contractors depends upon the nature of their work and their nationalities with respect to that of the combatants.

Why did the Greek hoplites become mercenaries?

Greek hoplites were widely admired for their skill as soldiers. The demand led many Greeks who faced poverty or exile to enlist as mercenaries in the pay of another state. Others, not so burdened with worry, became mercenaries through a desire for loot and adventure.