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Do narcissists move on quickly?

Do narcissists move on quickly?

They WILL move on quickly because narcissists tend to view other people (including their partners) as conveniences — and once you are no longer useful, they will move on.

Why do Narcissists go back to their ex?

“The central motivator for narcissists is validation,” she explains. “And an ex is often a really interesting place to get it… They constantly need that fresh narcissistic supply, and they kind of know what an ex’s supply is like.” And for the ex, it can result in them getting dragged back into the same old patterns.

What happens when a narcissist moves on?

While they are with a person, they are faithful; but as soon as they become bored or narcissistically wounded, they move on to the next available person in their group. Over time, they assemble a collection of undemanding lovers who are willing to take them back repeatedly.

Do narcissists come back after a breakup?

In my previous article on how to bring a narcissist back, I said that when a narcissist sees their ex in pain after a breakup, it gives them sense of power and self-importance. As long as they see their ex suffer after separation, it can give them a sense of importance and a short-term happiness that can make it seem like they have moved on.

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What is a narcissistic supply?

A narcissistic supply is anything that assures a narcissist of their own importance. In my previous article on how to bring a narcissist back, I said that when a narcissist sees their ex in pain after a breakup, it gives them sense of power and self-importance.

Why do narcissists choose a new group of lovers every time?

Since people are interchangeable to narcissists, and they are low on empathy, some choose a new group of lovers when their status changes for the better. They want someone on their arm who reflects their new, higher status. Think of rock stars who seem to marry ever younger versions of the same blond woman.