
How to disable checkbox based on condition in AngularJS?

How to disable checkbox based on condition in AngularJS?

7 Answers. ng-disabled is AngularJS syntax. You can use [disabled] input for disable checkboxes.

How do you disable a button until a checkbox is checked in angular?

To enable or disable button on checkbox selection we need to use ng-disabled property in AngularJS we need to write the code like as shown below.

  1. Check Me: Button

How do you disable a button until a checkbox is checked?

When you click on checkbox .is(“:checked”) return true if it is checked other wise return false. According to selection of your checkbox button it will enable/disable button.

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How do I uncheck a select all checkbox when one checkbox is unchecked in angular?

1 Answer

  1. To select/deselect all the checkboxes , you can simply loop over the elements and setting all the checked properties to true/false .
  2. To select/deselect this checkbox programatically, you can use Array. prototype.

How do you make a checkbox disabled in HTML?

HTML | DOM Input Checkbox disabled Property

  1. It returns the Input Checkbox disabled property. checkboxObject.disabled.
  2. It is used to set the Input Checkbox disabled property. checkboxObject.disabled = true|false. Property Values: It contains two property values which are listed below:

How do I give conditions in NG disabled?

Or you can use ng-disabled=”condition1 || condition2″ , is depend of you logic conditional.

How check checkbox is disabled or not in JavaScript?

You should use “element. disabled” to exclude the disabled checkboxes and before check “disabled” property, you should check if the element you select is not null.

How do I disable a button?

How to disable a button using JavaScript

  1. const button = document. querySelector(‘button’)
  2. button. disabled = true.
  3. button. disabled = false.
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How do I uncheck a mat checkbox?

Angular Material <mat-checkbox> has a property checked that is used to check and uncheck the checkbox dynamically. At runtime we can check and uncheck checkbox by passing true and false value to checked property using property binding.

How do you check if all the checkboxes are checked in angular?

you can see how to check multiple checkbox in angular. We will use angular check uncheck all checkbox example….How to Check All and Uncheck All Checkboxes in Angular?

  1. Step 1: Create New App. ng new ngCheckedAll.
  2. Step 3: Import FormsModule.
  3. Step 4: Update Component ts File.
  4. Step 5: Update HTML File.

Can you disable checkbox?

The Input Checkbox disabled property in HTML DOM is used to set or return whether the Input Checkbox field must be disabled or not. A disabled checkbox is unclickable and unusable. It is a boolean attribute and used to reflect the HTML Disabled attribute.

How to enable / disable the disabled checkbox in Angular 2+?

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For Angular 2+, you can enable / disable the checkbox by setting the disabledattribute on the input type=checkbox Use:[attr.disabled]=”isDisabled? true : null” Note here that [attr.disabled]=”isDisabledalone will not work. You will need to explicitly set disabled attribute to nullfor removing disabled attribute from the disabled checkbox.

What is in Angular 2+?

provides the same functionality as a native enhanced with Material Design styling and animations. For Angular 2+, you can enable / disable the checkbox by setting the disabled attribute on the input type=checkbox

What happens if you check a checkbox then refresh the page?

Consequently if you check a checkbox then refresh the page, the browser has no way of remembering the checkbox’s prior state and—in the example above—will render it in its unchecked form (although some browsers will cache the value).

How to disable condition in a checkbox?

With a reactive form, you can use [disabled]=”condition” where the condition is something like whateverCheckbox.value. UPDATE: I updated my answer to use whateverCheckbox.value as opposed to whateverCheckbox.checked. This approach only works with reactive forms.