Tips and tricks

Are sleep problems associated with the COVID-19 pandemic?

Are sleep problems associated with the COVID-19 pandemic?

Sleep problems appear to have been common during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, sleep problems were found to be associated with higher levels of psychological distress. With the use of effective programs treating sleep problems, psychological distress may be reduced.

What can I do to improve my sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic?

• Take naps when you have the opportunity. – A 90-minute nap before working a night shift can help prevent you from feeling tired at work.• Eat healthy foods and stay physically active because it can improve your sleep.• Before you go to sleep, avoid foods and drinks that can make falling asleep more difficult: – Avoid alcohol, heavy meals, and nicotine for at least 2–3 hours before bedtime. – Don’t drink caffeine within 5 hours of bedtime.

Is it normal to have insomnia after having COVID-19?

Unexplained symptoms have been arising in those who have recovered from COVID-19. The disease, which affects the central nervous system, has been inducing a multitude of symptoms in those who have recovered, including brain fog, changes in attention, debilitating headaches, muscular weakness, and most often, insomnia.

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How do you deal with the feeling of helplessness?

Even a few minutes of activity can help lift feelings of helplessness. If you constantly feel yourself spiraling, ask a close friend to remind you when you’re sinking into learned helplessness.

How can I overcome my hopelessness thinking?

By acting to toss the weight of hopelessness thinking from your shoulders, you’ve opened the gates of hope for yourself. For more help on overcoming hopelessness thinking, click on The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression. © Dr. Bill Knaus, 2015.

Is helplessness learned or natural?

Helplessness is the belief that there is nothing that anyone can do to improve a bad situation (such as being diagnosed with an illness). In many ways, then, helplessness is a belief that control over the situation or its outcomes is impossible. Like all beliefs, helplessness is learned (Seligman 1975 ).

What is the best way to wake up feeling refreshed?

Focus on your heart as you breathe in. Focus on your solar plexus as you breathe out. Concentrate on a positive feeling or attitude as you breathe. Lock in this feeling. As you become adept at this technique select new feeling and attitudes. Wake up feeling rested, refreshed and ready for the new day