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Who was Rene Descartes enemy?

Who was Rene Descartes enemy?

Thomas Hobbes He had the guts to actually send me his criticisms of my views rather than just talk about me behind my back, like most of my enemies.

What was Descartes afraid of?

Descartes’s relationship with religion was as ironic as it was tense. A devout Catholic, he feared persecution from the Church all his life, yet it was in Holland where he ultimately faced accusations of atheism — a charge that could at the very least destroy his reputation — from Protestant theologians.

Did Locke agree with Descartes?

Locke was one of those scholars who disagreed with the theory and argued that all human knowledge was established through experience rather than as stated by Descartes. In his book “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding,” John Locke contends against innate ideas utilizing various arguments.

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Who was friends with Rene Descartes?

Descartes also befriended the mathematician Claude Mydorge (1585–1647) and Father Marin Mersenne (1588–1648), a person of universal learning who corresponded with hundreds of scholars, writers, mathematicians, and scientists and who became Descartes’s main contact with the larger intellectual world.

Was Descartes lazy?

Descartes prided himself on his laziness, he never awoke before noon, and he said he never read a book. Only a lazy man could come up with, cogito, ergo sum. Descartes did his thinking and scribbling, while held up in bed, tucked under warm sheets.

Was Descartes killed?

February 11, 1650
René Descartes/Date of death

Who disagrees with Descartes?

My research has mainly been on David Hume, an 18th-century Scottish empiricist, who disagrees with much of what Descartes has to say about reason, the self, knowledge, belief in God and the passions.

What is the difference between Freud and Descartes?

As a conclusions, both philosophers tried to explain consciousness and unconsciousness with their ideas; while Descartes mentions that consciousness gives us a certainty, Freud thinks consciousness can give us a certainty, but doesn’t give us self-knowledge truth.

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Was Descartes a Catholic?

Descartes was a devout Catholic and was careful to ensure that his scientific beliefs did not contradict the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church. He was fully aware of the sentence passed on Galileo for advocating the Copernican model of the solar system and he tailored his own model so as not to offend the church.

Who discovered slope?

Renee Descartes was the person that invented slope of a line. This all began in France where he invented slope of a line.

Who is René Descartes?

RENE DESCARTES, PHILOSOPHER AND SCIENTIST Conventionally recognised as the founder of modern philosophy, René Descartes (1596-1650) is also inseparably associated with the development of modern science.

Is Descartes’s distinction argument Real?

Descartes formulates this argument in many different ways, which has led many scholars to believe there are several different real distinction arguments. However, it is more accurate to consider these formulations as different versions of one and the same argument.

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What is the payoff of Descartes’s philosophy?

For Descartes the payoff is twofold. The first is religious in nature in that it provides a rational basis for a hope in the soul’s immortality [because Descartes presumes that the mind and soul are more or less the same thing].

How did Rene Descartes’ philosophy come to be condemned?

Voetius, who was rector of the University, convinced the faculty senate to condemn Descartes’ philosophy in 1642. He and his colleagues published two works (in 1642 and 1643) attacking Descartes’ philosophy, to which Descartes himself responded by publishing a Letter to Voetius (1643). The controversy simmered through the mid-1640s.