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Can you have Aspergers and be charismatic?

Can you have Aspergers and be charismatic?

They can evenbe charismatic for short periods of time, which makes sense because they’re generally the most social. But they’re the hardest aspies to spend extended periods of time with.

Can an autistic person be an extrovert?

There are many autistic extroverts. People with autism who are also extroverts may find life more difficult than those who are natural introverts. There are a number of reasons for this: Few people on the autism spectrum can “pass” as non-autistic.

What is charisma and how can it help autistic people?

Charisma doesn’t have to be conventional. Autistic people tend to be very straightforward and transparent, and sometimes, that can be an attractive quality—people find it a relief to talk to somebody who says what they mean, especially if it’s clear that the autistic person wants to make them feel welcome.

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Is it true that autistic people are attractive?

Autistic people tend to be very straightforward and transparent, and sometimes, that can be an attractive quality—people find it a relief to talk to somebody who says what they mean, especially if it’s Yes. There’s nothing about autism that changes one’s appearance or ability to dress well, so there’s no reason why they wouldn’t be attractive.

Who are some famous people with autism?

Here’s a young lady who has autism and is a fashion model. Her name is Heather Kuzmich, and she has been blessed with some seriously good looks: Here’s a guy with a different kind of charisma. His name is Ari Ne’eeman, he’s autistic, and he’s the founder of the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network.

Why is charismatic so hard?

Charismatic is a bit harder, because autism makes social skills so hard to learn. But here’s the thing: It might be hard to communicate in the typical way, but we usually find a way to get our ideas across anyway.