
How much should I charge for a sponsored post on Instagram?

How much should I charge for a sponsored post on Instagram?

An average CPM for a sponsored post is anywhere from $5 to $10. This means that a brand can reach 1,000 people for anywhere from $5 to $10—pretty good deal for them, right?

Do you pay for Sponsored Instagram posts?

A sponsored post on Instagram is paid for by the poster to reach a wider audience. There are two main types of sponsorships: In one, a brand creates a post and pays Instagram for access to a custom audience.

How do you pay for sponsored ads on Instagram?

You can pay for boosted posts from the Instagram app by adding a payment method. You can also pay for your boosted Instagram posts by linking a Facebook Page to your Instagram professional account and using your Facebook ad account.

How much should you charge for sponsor?

If you’re brand new and still building a following (but do have an audience), $20-100 is a good starting point (depending on what goes into the sponsorship — see below) If you have an established, engaged audience, $75-250 is a good place to start.

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How much should you charge for a sponsored Instagram post?

When deciding how much to charge for a sponsored Instagram post, ALWAYS start with this simple formula: Charge $10 for every THOUSAND followers you have. In other words, charge 1\% per thousand followers. Now, that’s just where to start.

What are the different types of sponsored Instagram posts?

Believe it or not, there is more than one type of sponsored Instagram posts out there. Allow me to show you the ropes! A static sponsored post on Instagram is the most common type of sponsored content you will see. They usually include one picture showcasing the product you are advertising.

How do influencers create sponsored posts on Instagram?

First, let’s look at how an influencer can create a sponsored post, because it will be on them to do so. First, you need to set up a branded sponsorship with a business. The business will need to add you as a partner who can tag you on Instagram following the steps detailed above. Then, you can create the post.

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What is the average cost of a sponsored post?

CPM means the cost to reach one thousand people. An average CPM for a sponsored post is anywhere from $5 to $10. This means that a brand can reach 1,000 people for anywhere from $5 to $10—pretty good deal for them, right? Let’s break it down with an example.