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Which countries can never be defeated?

Which countries can never be defeated?

These are the 5 countries that are most impossible to conquer

  1. The United States of America. A Marine mans the rails of USS Bataan in a parade of ships during New York City Fleet Week, May 25, 2016.
  2. Russia. Russian troops in the Victory Day parade at Red Square in Moscow, May 9, 2015 Reuters.
  3. Afghanistan.
  4. China.
  5. India.

Has Pakistan army ever won a war?

The 1965 war was purely Pakistan’s. Since Pakistan failed to achieve any objectives, it definitely lost that war. But while it had the better of the land engagements, India did not win the war militarily. It was a strategic defeat for Pakistan but a military stalemate.

Which wars has Pakistan won?

List of wars involving Pakistan

Conflict Pakistan and allies Opponents
Second Indo-Pakistani War (1965) Pakistan India
Bangladesh Liberation War (From March 1971) Third Indo-Pakistani War (From Dec 1971) Pakistan Mukti Bahini India
Fourth Balochistan Conflict (1973–1978) Pakistan BLA
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Is it possible for Pakistan to defeat the United States?

It is possible for Pakistan to defeat USA and force their Islamic rule on them . That is the main reason , USA is taking preemptive measure and engaging in Iraq, Syria , Libya and Afghanistan. The number of armed forces and equipment has its importance in a war. But bigger deciding factor in a war is the competence of men and their strategy.

How many wars has Pakistan fought in since 1947?

Since its establishment in 1947, Pakistan has been involved in numerous armed conflicts both locally and around the world. The main focus of its military operations have both historically and currently been on neighbouring India — against whom Pakistan has fought four major wars in addition to commonly-recurring border skirmishes and standoffs.

What was the result of the 2nd Indo-Pakistani War?

Second Indo-Pakistani War (1965) Pakistan India: Inconclusive. United Nations mandated ceasefire; Both sides claim victory; No permanent territorial changes (see Tashkent Declaration) Bangladesh Liberation War (From March 1971) Third Indo-Pakistani War (From Dec 1971) Pakistan: Bangladesh India: Defeat. Independence of Bangladesh; Simla Agreement

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How dangerous is the India-Pakistan nuclear war?

The adversarial relationship between India and Pakistan makes the Indian subcontinent one of the most dangerous places on Earth. The disparity in forces, war plans on both sides, and the presence of tactical nuclear weapons makes a regional nuclear war—even a limited one—a real possibility.