Tips and tricks

Is it bad to learn multiple instruments at once?

Is it bad to learn multiple instruments at once?

Contrary to popular belief, learning two instruments simultaneously is perfectly achievable. Many professional musicians will have some degree of competency on a second instrument. Research indicates that learning two instruments at once will not adversely affect progression on either instrument.

Is it good to learn multiple instruments?

For students playing in an orchestra or band, learning more than one instrument is especially beneficial, and can help improve their individual skills as well as benefitting the group as a whole.

Can you learn too many instruments?

You might get a lot out of playing multiple instruments so only you know whether another would be too much! Whether you have time depends on how far you want to go with them too. I started on piano at aged 4, and so far the only other instrument I’ve managed to really get into for a while was flute.

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Is playing 3 instruments too much?

Learning 3 instruments at once is fine. Just focus during practice instead of dicking around. Practicing fundamental stuff on clarinet for 20-30 min. a day should be fine as long as you’re focused and determined and really work at it.

Can you learn multiple instruments?

Learning multiple instruments can come with its challenges, too. Did you know that at Capstone Music, we have amazing music teachers that are multi-talented and thus can play many instruments? Not everyone can do that! We’ve a large team of instructors so whether your children want to strum, drum or sing – we have your family covered!

Why do some people not like playing multiple instruments?

More instruments is going to mean more practice time. When they reach a level of proficiency with one instrument then add in another one, it can be discouraging to feel like a beginner again. Motivation and patience are two traits that play heavily at this stage.

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How do I get my child to practice their instruments?

Guitar, violin, voice, and other instruments will usually have 1 or 2 books to work with. Another tip for practicing is to have your child play each song the number of times of their age (7 year olds will play each song 7 times.) Be sure to listen in and make sure they aren’t just rushing through!

Why are musical instruments so expensive?

More musical instruments means a higher cost. Not only for the instrument itself, but also for additional lessons, instrument maintenance and the various accessories they may need.