Are swords really effective?

Are swords really effective?

No, not at all. A properly designed sword with things like a proper crossguard, sharp point, balanced pommel, and ergonomic grip is a wonderful weapon that can be used in lots of ways. They also need less strength to use than polearms or mallets, although swords on their own aren’t too much good without shields.

Is an AXE better than a sword in real life?

A sword has better balance and more agility than an axe. It’s a lot easier to parry and feint with a sword than an axe. The big exception is if you and your opponent are wearing armor. Most axes are going to fare better against an armored opponent than most swords.

Were swords really good weapons?

Swords are thin, fairly hard pieces of metal and generally were “backup” weapons. In close combat, they could do a lot of damage, and could also end up badly nicked and/or chipped.

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Are spears good New World?

The Spear is a DPS (damage-per-second) weapon in New World. Its attacks are more precise than other weapons, though, meaning you have to be spot-on the mark with it so we wouldn’t recommend it for PvP combat as you can easily find yourself overwhelmed by your foe.

Why are swords so popular as sidearms?

For those reasons and more, swords were popular as sidearms. They’re good for carrying around town if you need them for self defense or to take to training. They’re also good if you need a backup. Say, your spear breaks in combat (it happened) and you’re rushed by an enemy; a sword will be very convenient here.

Were Spears better than swords in ancient times?

Both of your assumptions are wrong. Spears were significantly more common than swords in virtually every culture. Also, spears were not necessarily better than swords not were swords better than spears. Swords were more or less sidearms.

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What’s the difference between a sword and a mace?

Maces are like axes, except they can’t lop pieces of people off. Swords almost universally can thrust, whereas axes and maces usually can’t. A sword allows you to keep your distance and fight defensively, while axes and maces force you to close in and put yourself in (more) danger.