Tips and tricks

Is Rashtra Gaurav exam compulsory?

Is Rashtra Gaurav exam compulsory?

This paper is compulsory for every undergraduate and he/she has to pass this exam in any year of his/her bachelor’s degree, otherwise university will not award you your degree.

What is Rashtriya Gaurav?

The ‘Rashtriya Gaurav Award’ is bestowed to a few extraordinary Indian citizens who have specialised in various fields such as education, politics and social work, fine arts, industry and science and technology, in lieu of the yeoman services rendered with excellence in their respective fields.

What happened to Rashtra-Gaurav in Lucknow University?

LUCKNOW: Realising the lapse, Lucknow University authorities finally announced the examination dates of the subject Rashtra-Gaurav on Monday. There was a general confusion among students as LU authorities had forgotten to announce the examination dates of the subject along with the annual examination schedule declared last week.

What is the course for Rashtriya Gaurav?

There is no specific course for Rashtriya Gaurav and have to Pass only one time in Graduation. Questions can be asked from History Geography Polity and Current affairs etc. This exams can be get passed by their common knowledge and presence of Mind.

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What is rastragaurav exam in Lucknow University?

IN the lucknow university rastragaurav exam is objective typ exam held in every year exam cycle and semesters too. Every student of lucknow university or its colleges have too passed this exam in ur whole graduation period . Like u can passed in your 1st year or 2nd year or third year whatever u want.

What is the question paper of Rashtra Gaurav and environmental studies?

1. This paper would be mandatory for all students at bachelor level to pass this subject. 2. The question paper in “RASHTRA GAURAV AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES” would be of 100 marks and would consist of 100 Objective Types Questions with equal emphasis on all units of syllabus. 3.