
Is Chinese an important language?

Is Chinese an important language?

Chinese is now considered as an important language worldwide because of its increase in presence in the business world. Chinese are involved in many businesses throughout the world including Hollywood. Mandarin classes are conducted here in order to enhance the language skills of our students.

Does China replace English?

Absolutely no. Mandarin Chinese (官话) is equal in value to English, just like any other language. However, it will not be used more often than English in the near future.

Will there be more people speaking Chinese or English in China?

In terms of location, there will be more people speaking Chinese within China. The Chinese language is difficult for non-natives, especially the writing system, so it is unlikely to be adopted widely. For English, it is already a rather international language, with many non-native speakers.

What is the difference between Chinese and English?

Chinese is a logogram, where the written text doesn’t indicate how a word is pronounced; while English is a phonogram where one could learn how a word is pronounced simply by looking at the alphabets making up a word. This makes English that much easier to learn as a second language as compared to Mandarin, which is just one o

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Is it better to learn English or Mandarin Chinese?

Currently, English clearly provides access to much more of the world than Mandarin Chinese. For example, one can travel to most countries in the world and expect to find people in airports, hotels, and tourist sites who know some English. This is much less true for Mandarin, although Mandarin has more native speakers.

Is English still a universal language in China?

English is still the universal language as the most commonly learned and/or spoken second language. However, if one wants to specifically interact with Mandarin Chinese speaking people and get involved with the Chinese-speaking society, I feel that it has equal if not higher importance than English.