
Is there a condition where you remember everything?

Is there a condition where you remember everything?

This rare condition also known as highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) causes people to remember just about everything that has occurred in their life.

What is retroactive interference example?

Retroactive Interference Examples For example: If you’re an actor and must learn a new monologue for a play, you may forget the previous monologue you learned for a different play. You learn a lot of theories of communication, but as you learn new theories you have trouble recalling the ones you’d learned previously.

Why is remembering what people can’t remember forever not a good thing?

Remembering what people can’t rememeber forever is not always a good thing cause it makes you feel alone since those experiences are not shared anymore by the time the other people forget about them. While your question has a good focus, the phrasing makes it almost unanswerable.

Can too much sleep be bad for your memory?

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Beyond memory. So for both too little and too much sleep, the important number may be the hours of quality sleep. Another possibility is a two-way street between sleep and memory: sleep quality may affect memory and thinking, and the brain changes that cause memory and thinking problems may disturb sleep.

Is there such a thing as overthinking disorder?

It really is a disorder for thinking too much. Then there’s a lower level kind of overthinking which is just basically where you overanalyze things. People who do this tend to just think twice, three times before taking action when it would take someone else not so long to think about it.

Is there such a thing as too much sleep?

People who spend more than nine or 10 hours a night in bed often have poor sleep quality. So for both too little and too much sleep, the important number may be the hours of quality sleep. Another possibility is a two-way street between sleep and memory: sleep quality may affect memory and thinking,…