
What indicator is used for strong acid and weak base?

What indicator is used for strong acid and weak base?

In the titration of strong acid and weak base, the indicator used is Methyl Orange. Note: Phenolphthalein is used as an indicator for Strong acid -strong base titration.

Which indicator is used to find out the strength of an acid or base How?

Phenolphthalein Indicator Phenolphtalein is chosen because it changes color in a pH range between 8.3 – 10. It will appear pink in basic solutions and clear in acidic solutions.

How can we differentiate between strong and weak acid using indicators?

The weaker the acid is, the larger the discrepancy between the three indicator endpoints will be. This method of distinguishing strong acids from weak ones won’t work if the concentration of the acid and/or the titrant is much less than 0.1 M.

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Which is one way a strong acid differs from a weak acid?

Strong acids dissociate fully in water to produce the maximum number of H + ions. This means if you had one mole of hydrochloric acid (HCl) molecules, they would all ‘split’ to form one mole of H + ions and one mole of Cl – ions. Weak acids, such as ethanoic acid (CH 3COOH), do not fully dissociate.

Which indicator is used for the titration of weak acid and weak base Mcq?


Titration Between pH at end point Commonly used indicator
Weak acid and strong base Alkaline range Thymol Blue, Phenolphthalein
Weak base and strong acid Acidic range Methyl orange, Methyl red

How do you know if a indicator is suitable for a titration?

When selecting an indicator for acid-base titrations, choose an indicator whose pH range falls within the pH change of the reaction. For example, in the titration of a strong acid with a strong base, the pH quickly changes from 3 to 11.

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What is the difference between a weak acid and strong acid?

Strong acids dissociate fully in water to produce the maximum number of H + ions. Weak acids, such as ethanoic acid (CH 3COOH), do not fully dissociate. In fact, about only one per cent of ethanoic acid molecules split up to form H + ions and CH 3COO – ions at any one time.

What indicator is such indicator which can determine the strength of solution?

From the above discussion, we can say that Phenolphthalein is used to find the strength of caustic soda solution with the help of oxalic acid. Therefore, the correct answer is (B)- Phenolphthalein.

What is the pH of a strong acid and weak base indicator?

For a strong acid and weak base you would expect the solution pH at the equivalence point to be less than 7.0 so you would pick an indicator that changes color at less than 7.0 such as methyl orange.

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Which indicator would most likely be used for a strong acid-base titration?

The indicator which would most likely be used for a strong acid and weak base titration would probably be methyl orange (pH endpoint: 3.1 -4.4) or Bromothymol Blue (pH endpoint: 6.0 – 7.0).

What is the difference between acidic and alkaline indicator?

When the solution is acidic, that is the H + ions present in excess, the indicator will show predominantly colour (1). On other hand, when the solution is alkaline, that is, when OH – ions present in excess, the H + ions furnished by the indicator will be taken out to form undissociated water.

What is the anion form of an indicator?

An indicator is actually a weak acid or base. It changes color when the amount of acid or base is half neutralized. This occurs because the anion form of the indicator variously binds or releases hydrogens as the conditions in the solution gains or loses hydrogens.