Where does it say Jesus descended into hell?

Where does it say Jesus descended into hell?

His descent to the underworld is alluded to in the New Testament in 1 Peter 4:6, which states that the “good tidings were proclaimed to the dead”. The Catholic Catechism interprets Ephesians 4:9, which states that “[Christ] descended into the lower parts of the earth”, as also supporting this interpretation.

What is the difference between the netherworld and hell?

As nouns the difference between netherworld and hell is that netherworld is the place to which one’s spirit descends upon death, conceived as below the surface of the earth while hell is {{context|countable|hyperbole|lang=en}} a place or situation of great suffering in life.

What is the importance of holy books in religion?

Every religion has a set of holy books central to its teachings. These are highly revered, widely read by the followers and are treasured as authentic treasure house of the wisdom propounded by the founders and promoters of the religion.

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Which is the most widely read religious book in the world?

The term basket is used to refer to the sculptures of the time period of Buddha. This is the most popular religious book in the world. This is the holy book of Hindus and this religion has the largest population in the world. Thus this is the religious book which is most widely read, printed and sold.

What does the Bible say about Hell?

(22:19-22). “In front of such a one is Hell, and he is given, for drink, boiling fetid water” (14:16). “In its midst and in the midst of boiling hot water will they wander round!” (55:44). Whereas the rewards of Heaven include plentiful, fresh fruits and milk, the inhabitants of Hell will eat from the Tree of Zaqqum.

What is the main holy book of Judaism?

Torah is the primary holy book of Judaism and after that, Talmud is followed. It contains “six orders” that explains the oral laws of this religion, Judaism.