
Is 5 minutes singular or plural?

Is 5 minutes singular or plural?

Five, in this context is considered plural (vs. ‘one’ minute) for five individual minutes, thus inferring it’s plurality in the context of the proposed sentence. In another form, the word ‘five, when used as a noun, could be stated that “Five’ is the number after ‘4’, and the number before ‘6’.

Is it five minutes or five minutes?

2 Answers. 5 mins” would be appropriate unless you are expressing it as an adjective then use the singular form, as in a five minute break or the ten minute mark. However, in scientific writing, the abbreviation for the units is always in the singular form – 5min, 5km, 5kg.

Is it 5 minutes more or 5 more minutes?

“Five minutes more” and “Five more minutes” are both correct.

Can I have your 5 minutes meaning?

You could explain that you would please like to request a meeting with him for about five minutes. You would be willing to meet at his convenience. At the end you could say something like you appreciate his time. Hope this helps!

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Is few minutes grammatically correct?

“some minutes, some years, some seconds” are grammatically incorrect. But “a few minutes, a few years, a few seconds” works.

Is a few minutes singular or plural?

When amounts are conceived of as a single unit, they use a singular verb. This applies to time, money, distance etc. So: “A few minutes is enough time to finish the clean-up.”

Do you hyphenate five minute break?

Minutes are usually only hyphenated when they’re used in a sentence or phrase as a compound adjective to describe a noun. Whether or not to hyphenate numbers also depends on the way the number is written.

Is one minute more grammatically correct?

Both are correct and have the same meaning. The second is more commonly used.

How do you ask someone if they have a minute?

So now you know 3 ways to ask to speak with someone else: “Could I have a word with you?” for asking to speak with someone privately, and get them away from a group, “Do you have a moment?” as a way to ask about the other persons availability for a conversation, and the most informal phrase, “Could I talk to you for a …

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How many minutes is a few minutes?

Originally Answered: How many minutes is a few minutes? In most cases thats between one and 10 minutes. Sometimes, though, this period can be up to 15 minutes.

Is “I will take 5 minutes to come” correct grammar?

In short, we can say that, the statement, “ I will take five minutes to come” , can be used when the speaker is sure about the reporting time .While , the statement “It will take me 5 minutes to come” can be used when the speaker is not Both the statements are correct but in different perspective.

Which statement is correct “I will take 5 minutes to come”?

Both the statements are correct but in different perspective. The sentence “I will take five minutes to come” is in ‘affirmative state’ ,that is, it refers to the speaker’s affirmation about the action. On the other hand, the statement “It will take me 5 minutes to come is in ‘assumption state’ .

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What is the genitive of 5 minutes walk?

(In a five minutes’ walk, we have the descriptive genitive.) The sentence means the same thing as My house is a walk of five minutes from the station, one of your other examples, and both of those mean the same thing as My house is a five-minute walk from the station. You can take your pick.

What is the difference between in and about 5 minutes?

But those aren’t the meanings here. See it this way instead: “in” is used to indicate a period of time (“5 minutes”), and “about” in this case means “approximately.” So the sentence is, “The period of time it will take me to reach there will be approximately 5 minutes.”