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Is turbinate reduction necessary with septoplasty?

Is turbinate reduction necessary with septoplasty?

Septoplasty and concomitant inferior turbinate surgery to manipulate conchal bone and soft tissues are necessary for treatment of those patients with unilateral nasal septal deviation and compensatory hypertrophy of the contralateral inferior turbinate.

Will septoplasty and turbinate reduction change appearance?

Will a septoplasty change my nasal appearance? If your external nose is very crooked like in the picture above, straightening your septum will make your nose straighter. If the deviated portions are more on the inside, then usually nothing will change.

How long does it take to recover from a septoplasty and turbinate reduction?

Most people fully recover from septoplasty surgery within 3-4 weeks, but you can return to your normal routine within 1 week including exercise. Patients usually return to work in 4-5 days.

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What is septoplasty with turbinate reduction?

Repairing or straightening a deviated septum and reducing enlarged turbinates is a common nasal surgery done under general anesthesia. A small incision is made inside the nose and the thin plate of cartilage and bone in the center of the nose is repaired.

Can a septum become deviated again after surgery?

SEPTAL RE‐DEVIATION: The septum is made of both cartilage and bone. Some cartilage must remain in order to maintain support of the nose. If the remaining cartilage was deviated, it may have a slight tendency to re‐deviate. This usually does not cause problems, but in rare instances, might need further surgery.

How long is deviated septum and turbinate surgery?

A septoplasty, or septum surgery, is an outpatient surgery performed under general anesthesia. The operation typically takes between 30 to 90 minutes to complete, depending on your case’s complexity. The procedure takes place inside the nostril, preventing visible scarring. The nose is not broken during a septoplasty.

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How painful is turbinate reduction?

Recovering From Turbinate Reduction There never really is any pain or problems with your sense of smell when this procedure is performed by Dr. Cohen. Most patients resume normal activity the next day after the procedure, however blowing your nose and exercise are to be avoided for 3 days following the procedure.

What is an inferior turbinate?

The inferior nasal turbinates are the largest and located lowest in the nose. They are also the most likely to become enlarged. This condition is called inferior turbinate hypertrophy. A turbinate becomes enlarged when the mucosa gets inflamed due to rhinitis or chronic sinusitis.

Is a septoplasty safe?

Certain risks are common to all surgery and anesthesia. The possible, but very rare, side effects include side effects of the anesthetic, breathing problems, infection, bleeding, scarring, and death. Although septoplasty is generally considered safe, it does have some risk of side effects or complications.