
How do you deal with a stinky housemate?

How do you deal with a stinky housemate?

Ways to combat the bad body odor of your smelly roommate (apart from telling them)

  1. Use fabric freshener to drive away bad smells of your smelly roommate.
  2. Leave out open cartons of baking soda to absorb the bad smells.
  3. Use candles, reed diffusers and plug-in air fresheners to replace bad body odor.

How do I get the smell of Indian food out of my house?

Wipe down kitchen surfaces and cooking utensils with an odor-neutralizing solution after cooking with curry. Fill a bucket with equal parts water and vinegar. Use this mixture on your kitchen table, counters, stove range hood, cupboard doors and any other surface in your kitchen.

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How do you tell your roommate they need to shower?

I suggest telling your roommate in a very direct, straightforward way. People who don’t pick up on subtle cues face a lot of judgment and negative emotions from people, and can get hurt easily. So I suggest keeping judgment out of your voice, and be as factual as possible.

What are the signs that Your Roommate isn’t a good roommate?

There’s toothpaste on the bathroom mirror. There’s food in the drain. There’s mud on the kitchen floor. If you don’t clean it, it will stay there. Your roommate isn’t concerned with helping out. You’re constantly being woken up in the middle of the night when your roommate stumbles home with a train of friends behind them.

What happens when things go wrong with your housemate?

And even if your housemate is a friend, that’s not necessarily much easier. When things start going badly with housemates, your home life can quickly become toxic and even take a toll on your mental health.

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Could your housemates be causing your anxiety?

In fact, there are signs your housemates could be contributing to your anxiety. If you can relate to this article more than you’d probably like, let me reassure you that while anxiety is a painfully difficult condition to live with, it’s surprisingly common.

How do I deal with a housemate who doesn’t check in?

Try to talk to your housemate about setting up direct debits, or having a house fund, so this doesn’t happen. It can also cut the other way if you have a housemate who buys “communal” stuff without checking in first and then sends you the bill.