
What does Christianity say about the Day of Judgement?

What does Christianity say about the Day of Judgement?

Christians believe that God has always existed as judge over his creation. Some Christians believe that people will be judged again at the Last Judgement, at the end of time. Others believe that all souls must wait until the Day of Judgement, when they will be judged together.

What day is Judgement day in the Bible?

Judgement Day is upon us, according to US Christian cult Familyradio – specifically May 21. So what does this mean and what should we expect?

What time is Judgment Day?

Judgment Day as shown in the film Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. After Sarah Сonnor, her son John and the T-800 destroy Cyberdyne headquarters and all backups of the research Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the date for Judgment Day is moved to July 25, 2004 6:18 pm Eastern Time. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.

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What does the Bible say about Judgment Day?

The Bible shows however, that the purpose of Judgment Day is to rescue people from injustice. The Bible says, “Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for He comes, He judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in His faithfulness” ( Psalm 96 : 13).

What are the signs of day of judgment?

The Signs of the Hour (i.e., the Day of Judgement) are of two types: 1. These are signs that will appear a long time before the Hour approaches, such as the decline of knowledge, the spread of ignorance, drinking of wine or alcohol, competition in the construction of tall buildings, and many others.

What happens on Judgment Day?

Judgment Day will be a period of a thousand years during which humans will have the opportunity to regain what Adam and Eve lost. * Notice that Acts 17:31, quoted above, says that Judgment Day will affect those living on “the inhabited earth.” Those receiving favorable judgment will live on earth and will enjoy everlasting life in perfect conditions.

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What will Judgement Day be like?

During Judgment Day all who are alive on earth will be learning about Jehovah God and his ways. They will have opportunity to obey and serve him. Those who choose to serve Jehovah during Judgment Day will be in line to receive everlasting life. But, even under these best of circumstances, some will refuse to serve God and will turn to wickedness.