Tips and tricks

Can you see more than 60 FPS on YouTube?

Can you see more than 60 FPS on YouTube?

For instance, if the screen is 60hz, it can view the 60FPS video in its true glory. Videos with a higher number of FPS would be futile to view on a 60hz display. Technically you can play a higher frame rate video, say 120FPS on a typical display, but you won’t see any difference in the video.

Why 60FPS videos look smoother than game?

The reason it looks smoother, is that you’re not the one doing the inputs. You’re focusing more on the details, and watching the movement, versus inputting it, and focusing on the play part of gameplay. Try recording your own gameplay, and watching it back.

Can YouTube show 120 FPS?

Does YouTube support 120 fps videos? No. YouTube currently supports up to 60fps HD video playback on Chrome and Safari. If you upload a 120fps video to YouTube, it will be converted to 60fps automatically.

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At what FPS does a game become unplayable?

-20 FPS
Sub-20 FPS: Unplayable. Don’t even bother. 20-30 FPS: Borderline. Some people are OK with getting 20-30 FPS, though it may depend on the game.

Is 60 fps smoother than 30fps?

In general, lower frame rates look choppier and higher frame rates look smoother. Because there are more frames per second, a 60fps video is more likely to capture twice as much underlying data as the 30fps.

When did YouTube add 60FPS?

On October 29, YouTube quietly turned on 60fps support for videos uploaded on that date and later, but only on the desktop site, which requires using YouTube’s HTML5 player (the site ditched Flash for HTML5 by default in January).

Is 60 fps good for gaming?

60 FPS – The ideal frame rate for most people, as the extra fluidity makes games more responsive and can provide a more enjoyable experience overall. It’s also a good frame rate for games where reacting to animations is important. 120 FPS – Much more fluid and responsive than 60 FPS.