
Why is Naruto so obsessed with Sakura and Hinata?

Why is Naruto so obsessed with Sakura and Hinata?

This is partly because of the anime’s own focus on Naruto’s crush on Sakura and Hinata’s crush on Naruto, but it’s also because of the nature of anime fandom. The crushes and romantic interests are a magnet for fan obsession, and the anime itself invites that kind of interest and focus.

Why do Hinata fans hate Sakura fans so much?

Hinata fans get so much hate from Sakura fans that they are edge when dealing with them and honestly have little patience for their rudeness. Most Hinata fans keep into their own fandom and would rarely purposely look up Sakura content, but Sakura fans follow and stalk them just so they can abuse them in some way.

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Do you consider Sakura and Hinata beautiful girls?

Neither Hinata nor Sakura have particularly outstanding designs imo (though Sakura had promise), but canonically, Sakura was noted to be an extremely cute girl (she captured the attention of both Naruto and Rock Lee (at first sight!)) while Hinata was more of a wa Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

Why do a lot of people hate Sakura?

Tho a lot of people hate sakura despite any ship, they just hate her as a character. People hate Sakura for a whole lot of reasons. Because her attraction for Sasuke was shallow, because she treated Naruto like crap, because she was completely useless for the whole first season, because she would beat Naruto even when he was nice to her.

Is there a canon ship between Naruto and Hinata?

Put all of that together, and you just don’t have a relationship that sits well with a majority of the fanbase. This time, we have a canon ship that was much more well-received: the pairing of Naruto and Hinata.

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Can you hate Hinata with passion?

To hate Hinata is like hating chocolate. If you really do hate her, then it’s most certainly you who have a problem. Sorry for the blunt words, but you can’t honestly look at this cute girl’s face and say that you “hate her with passion”.

Why do people hate narusaku?

Some NaruSaku fans hate her because she destroyed their ship. This is a very bland and dull reason to hate, at least in my opinion. She never showed any signs of being jealous whenever Naruto and Sakura were together or when Naruto tried to act like her boyfriend. So one reason is because she interferes NaruSaku.