
How much antimatter would it take to destroy the world?

How much antimatter would it take to destroy the world?

How much antimatter would our villain need to annihilate with “normal” matter in order to release the amounts of energy required for the destruction of Earth? Lots! Approximately 2.5 trillion tons of antimatter.

What would happen if the sun collided with Earth?

The Sun would be larger than Earth’s orbit. It would swallow the planet whole. Once it’s inside the Sun’s atmosphere, Earth would collide with particles of gas and spiral inward. And Earth wouldn’t be the only casualty of the expanding Sun.

How much kinetic energy does a meteor have?

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The minimum velocity with which a meteoroid can enter the atmosphere is equal to Earth’s escape velocity of 11.2 km per second. Even at this velocity, the kinetic energy for a meteoroid of a given mass is about 15 times that produced by an equal mass of chemical explosives such as TNT.

Can mercury hit us?

A new study finds reduced odds for collisions with Mercury, Venus, or Mars. One day, Mercury could slam into Earth, obliterating all life on our planet. Then Mercury can hit Earth—or, through its gravity, jostle the orbits of the other inner planets so that Venus or Mars crashes into us instead.

How do you calculate the kinetic energy of an asteroid?

This is equal to the impact energy. For example, consider an asteroid that is one kilometer in diameter and weighs 1.4 billion tonnes (M = 1.4×1012 kilograms), and is traveling at 20 kilometers per second (V = 20,000 m/s). The kinetic energy would be equal to (1/2)×1.4×1012×(20,000)2 = 2.8×1020 Joules.

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What would happen if an asteroid 10 kilometers in size hits Earth?

An asteroid 10 kilometers across is so massive that it’s very hard to slow it down. Unlike smaller meteors, it will not be slowed down much by air friction. It will punch through the atmosphere like it’s hardly even there. When it reaches the surface, it will smack so hard that it won’t matter if it strikes ocean or land.

How many asteroids and comets are there in the Solar System?

A) Only asteroids collide with Earth. B) Comets are balls of ice and dust. C) Most of the trillions of comets in our solar system have tails. D) All asteroids lie in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. E) There are about 1 million known asteroids in the solar system.

When was the last time the Earth was hit by an asteroid?

The last time this happened was 65 million years ago, when an asteroid struck the Earth, creating the Chicxulub Crater in Mexico and causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. On average, an asteroid this size strikes the Earth every 50 to 100 million years. This page checked on July 18, 2015. The Earth.

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What happens when a meteor hits the Earth?

Unlike smaller meteors, it will not be slowed down much by air friction. It will punch through the atmosphere like it’s hardly even there. When it reaches the surface, it will smack so hard that it won’t matter if it strikes ocean or land.