
How do you politely disagree with a reviewer?

How do you politely disagree with a reviewer?

It is absolutely fine to disagree with a reviewer’s comment. You can send a point-by-point response to the editor explaining why you disagree with the reviewer’s suggestion. Make sure your response is backed by supporting evidence. If your viewpoint is justified, the editor will definitely consider it.

How do you deal with a bad peer review?

Regarding responding to the harsh or negative peer reviewer comments, you should deal with them as you would deal with any other comment. Give a point-by-point response to the comments, mentioning whether you agree or disagree with them. If you disagree with some of the comments, provide your reasons for doing so.

How do you write a response to reviewers example?

I am/We are grateful to the reviewers for their insightful comments on my paper. I/We have been able to incorporate changes to reflect most of the suggestions provided by the reviewers. I/We have highlighted the changes within the manuscript. Here is a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments and concerns.

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How do you say no to review on a paper?

This also seems very simple: just reply on time saying that you can’t do the review, and if you know someone who would be suitable, scientifically, please let editorial know 🙂 Should you also give an opinion on the paper that you are declining to review?

How do you respond to reviewers comments?

Your responses should be polite and objective, balancing the line between being concise and complete. There is no space for ego in your response. Start by thanking the reviewers for identifying the weaknesses in your paper and providing you the opportunity to strengthen your research prior to publication.

How do I respond to reviewers comments?

How can I improve my peer review process?

How to improve the peer-review process

  1. Create incentives for peer review. According to Carroll, formal training on how to conduct peer reviews could help improve the quality and pace of reviews.
  2. Conduct fully blinded reviews.
  3. Publish manuscripts for public review.
  4. Change attitudes.
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How do you reject a reviewer comment?

But if you answer “no,” then how can you decline to address the comment? The basic structure is simple, and based on respect: Acknowledge the reviewer’s suggestion. Then state why you’re not going to make the suggested change.

When should you decline a review?

You should decline the invitation if an outside observer might reasonably feel that your review was negatively or positively biased by a competing interest. If you’re not sure if you have a competing interest, or think you have one but it won’t compromise your objectivity, get in touch with the journal.

What is declined revision?

If the editor responds saying that your paper will not be accepted if you do not make the suggested changes, you can choose the “Declines to revise” option and then submit it to a new journal. However, if the editor is convinced with your rebuttal letter, the paper might still be published in this journal.

Can A reviewer force an author to cite his paper?

Sometimes, reviewers are asking to cite their papers. In this case, it is better to notify the editor about this situation. This is an unethical situation, and the reviewer must not force the author to cite his paper just to get more citation.

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How do you bring in New reviewers to your journal?

So, one way to bring in (new) reviewers is to ask the authors to suggest researchers that they would consider suitable to review their papers. It is very likely that you will also be asked to come up with reviewer suggestions, since the journals are always on the lookout to enlarge the reviewer pool.

What happens if you accept to review a paper and reject?

Sometimes, this review is just a procedure, and they will accept the paper even when you reject it. If for some reason you accept to review a paper, and during the review, you discovered that it is out of your scope, don’t hesitate to contact the editor asking him to pull it out of your responsibility.

How to choose the right reviewers for your research paper?

Don’t be afraid of suggesting experts in your field as reviewers. You want somebody with great expertise in your field to judge your paper and give you fair, but also critical comments. Our experience is that successful researchers, who have published themselves, are usually fair reviewers.