
How did Palpatine trick Anakin?

How did Palpatine trick Anakin?

Putting Anakin Skywalker on the Jedi Council. His constant stream of praise feeds Anakin’s ego so that by the time Palpatine appoints him to the Jedi Council, Anakin believes he deserves it. Then, when he’s not elevated to the rank of Jedi Master, Palpatine is there to listen.

Did Palpatine read Anakins mind?

Palpatine had Anakin/Padme bugged, and picked up on the conversation. Palpatine didn’t actually know about the vision at all, he sense Anakin’s unease and he was somehow motivated by the force to tell Anakin about Darth Plagueis.

How did Palpatine gain control of the clones?

Rather, Palpatine convinced the Senate to grant him emergency powers which gave him direct control over the Jedi; this is how Anakin was able to sit in on council meetings as Palpatine’s envoy, and it’s how he was able to give clones orders in the first place.

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What does Palpatine reveal to Anakin about the Dark Side?

Palpatine reveals he learned from Plagueis and talks to Anakin about the dark side. He takes Anakin to the edge of a precipice.

What is Palpatine’s relationship with the Sith?

Unlike the Legends version of Palpatine, who saw the Dark Side and Sith as a tool for personal power, Palpatine in the canon is devoted to the way of the Sith and has no problems if Vader becomes a Superior Successor and kills him per Rule of Two.

How many Jedi did it take to arrest Palpatine?

Pitting Anakin against the Jedi. When it’s discovered that Palpatine is the Sith the Jedi have been looking for, Mace Windu takes three Jedi to arrest him. Palpatine plays the scene carefully — as usual — and when Windu has him within reach, Palpatine uses the moment to convince Anakin that the Jedi are trying to take over the government.

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Why is Palpatine so powerful?

As Emperor, Palpatine effectively wielded absolute control over the entire galaxy and virtually everyone who lived within it. During his tenure, he built one of the most powerful military forces the galaxy had ever seen and ruled unopposed for nearly two decades.