In which manner I should watch Star Wars?

In which manner I should watch Star Wars?

Watch the “Machete” cut:

  • Start with “Star Wars: A New Hope”
  • Watch “The Empire Strikes Back”
  • At the end of Empire, go back and watch “Attack of the Clones” from the prequel trilogy.
  • Then watch “Revenge of the Sith”.
  • After finishing “Revenge of the Sith”, watch “Return of the Jedi” for the story’s conclusion.

In what order should I watch Star Wars animated series?

If you prefer to watch the shows in chronological order, starting with those centered around the prequel trilogy, this is the list for you:

  1. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2020)
  2. Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021)
  3. Droids (1985-1986)
  4. Star Wars Rebels (2014-2018)
  5. Ewoks (1986-1987)
  6. Star Wars Resistance (2018-2020)
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Do I need to watch the old Star Wars?

It is not absolutely necessary; you will be able to follow the story and understand what’s happening without seeing any previous Star Wars movie. This movie also focuses primarily on new characters, so your emotional relationship with them will be the same as everyone else’s.

How long ago is Star Wars set?

The Skywalker saga spans 69 years, with Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace taking place in 32 BBY and Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker taking place in 35 ABY. However, some Star Wars books and video games are set thousands of years before this period.

Should you watch Star Wars in order?

Most people didn’t really appreciate the prequel saga, which is why loyal Star Wars fans suggest watching the series in the order they originally came out in movie theaters. They reason that the plots of the original three are vastly superior to the origin story of Anakin Skywalker in the prequel series.

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What is the first Star Wars movie you should watch?

If you could care less about light sabers, Jedis, and Ewoks, watch the very first movie, Episode IV: A New Hope.

Should you watch Star Wars The Clone Wars chronologically or by release date?

When diving into Star Wars: The Clone Wars, you also have the choice of watching the series either chronologically or by release date. If you’re the kind of person who enjoys watching content based on when it was released, structure your viewing based on this list:

What do I need to watch Star Wars on Disney+?

The first thing you need is a subscription to the Disney+ streaming service. There, you’ll find a vast library of Star Wars content with plenty more to come in the future. If you’re already a dedicated subscriber, start thinking about what you’re in the mood to watch.