
Is it better to say English or British?

Is it better to say English or British?

Both could be correct. English means a person from England while British means a person from the United Kingdom, which includes also England. People from England are mostly English and nearly always British.

Is the word Britishers correct?

Britishers is a term that has the same meaning, though it is usually applied to the people of Britain. It is primarily used (in my experience) by Indians or when quoted in history books. The term is not really used in the UK today. The British people are again the people who are living in Britain.

Who are the England people?

The British people, or Britons, are the citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the British Overseas Territories, and the Crown dependencies. British nationality law governs modern British citizenship and nationality, which can be acquired, for instance, by descent from British nationals.

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Are English and British the same thing?

“British” is the standard demonym for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (although be careful when using it in reference to the latter). “English” refers specifically to someone or something from England, which is one of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom, along with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Is England the same as British?

Great Britain refers to one of the two major islands that comprise the British Isles; it is made up of England, Scotland , and Wales. Some people likely confuse England as being the same as the whole of Great Britain or the United Kingdom because of England’s dominance and power in Great Britain and the UK.

Is someone English or British?

English refers to someone from England. British refers to someone from Great Britain . (England, Scotland or Wales) People from Northern Ireland, even though they are (sort of) British, are called Irish.

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Is English a nationality?

The English people are a nation and an ethnic group native to England who speak the English language. The English identity is of early medieval origin, when they were known in Old English as the Angelcynn (“family of the Angles”).