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What is the ratio of humans to insects?

What is the ratio of humans to insects?

200 million to one
The estimated ratio of insects to humans is 200 million to one, say Iowa State University entomologists Larry Pedigo and Marlin Rice in their newly published (sixth edition) textbook, Entomology and Pest Management.

What is the ant to human ratio?

In it, we learn that ant scientists estimate there are 1.6 million ants per person.

How many more ants are there than humans?

1. There are some 10 quadrillion ants on Earth: There are 7 billion humans on Earth. That’s quite a lot of people, but it’s nothing compared to ants.

What percentage of biomass is insects?

Bacteria comes in second at 13 percent and fungus is third at just 2 percent. Of the 550 gigatons of biomass carbon on Earth, animals make up about 2 gigatons, with insects comprising half of that and fish taking up another 0.7 gigatons.

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How many orders of insects are there?

Of the 24 orders of insects, four dominate in terms of numbers of described species; at least 670,000 identified species belong to Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera or Lepidoptera….Diversity.

Order Estimated total species
Raphidioptera 254
Trichoptera 14,391
Lepidoptera 157,338
Diptera 155,477

How strong would Insects be if they were human sized?

If a human had strength “equivalent” to that of an ant, he could lift 2000 (maybe even 10,000) pounds over his head. Or, to put it another way, if an ant were as big as a human it could lift 2000 or more pounds over its head.

What percentage of life are insects?

There are more than 1 million species of insects that have been documented and studied by scientists. And the total number of documented species of living organisms at the present time is probably about 2.5 million. So insects represent about 40\% of all known living species!