
Why Dumbledore didnt tell Snape about horcruxes?

Why Dumbledore didnt tell Snape about horcruxes?

Dumbledore didn’t tell Snape about horcruxes because it was not required. And Snape had to work closely with Voldamort and it would have been difficult for him. Besides even if Snape knew he wouldn’t have done anything towards destruction of horcruxes.

Did Snape know Dumbledore was hunting horcruxes?

We don’t even know if Snape knew what a horcrux was. He understood Dumbledore when he explained that a part of Voldemort’s soul broke off and attached itself to Harry, but that doesn’t mean that he knows that dark wizards sometimes do something similar on purpose. And he might have known about horcruxes.

Why did Dumbledore not want Harry to tell anyone about the horcruxes?

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Even if nobody believed him about Horcruxes or he didn’t know about the Horcrux until after CoS there was still the Prophecy which the Department of Mysteries had. The prophecy stated that the Dark Lord would just mark him and that he wouldn’t die until Harry killed him.

Did Snape know the ring was a Horcrux?

No where in the books is it explicitly mentioned that Snape had knowledge of Voldemort’s Horcruxes. Dumbledore used to discuss Horcruxes with Harry. We see that Snape asks Dumbledore what he’s teaching Harry and Dumbledore gives him a vague answer. This means that Dumbledore did not tell Snape about thd Horcruxes.

Who all knew about Horcruxes?

Only Voldemort, Harry, Hermione and Ron knew all of the 7 horcruxes that Voldemort had created. Dumbledore knew of at least 7 possible horcruxes from Professor Slughorn’s memory.

Why did Dumbledore ask Snape to kill Voldemort?

Upon learning that he had no more than a year to live, and in an attempt at preventing a humiliating and agonizing death, Dumbledore requested Snape to kill him when the time came. He wanted Snape to remain a trusted member of the Death Eaters, as well as to prove Lord Voldemort his loyalty and show him that he hadn’t failed.

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Why didn’t voldy create a Horcrux for Snape?

Snape in fact was defined by the power of love, something which Voldy never comprehended. Thus, the lack of the two utmost required things to create a Horcrux in the moment when Snape shot the killing curse at Dumbledore, explains why there was no possibility of creating one.

Why did Snape kill the Hogwarts headmaster?

Severus Snape killed the Hogwarts Headmaster because he was asked to do it by Dumbledore. Along with this, the Hogwarts Headmaster was about to die and with this act, he would prove his loyalty one more time.

Does Dumbledore die in the Deathly Hallows?

The ending of book seven “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” revealed that Dumbledore was dying and that he had arranged that Snape would administer the final kill. Finally, when the time came for Snape to actually kill Dumbledore he hesitated, regardless of their previous agreement, so Dumbledore had to beg Severus to end his life.