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What happens to a 17 year old in high school?

What happens to a 17 year old in high school?

They begin to establish more concrete plans for college and life after high school. 1  Fluid intelligence also is reached around this age, which means 17-year-olds have an improved ability to cope with new problems and situations. 2  Most 17-year-olds can communicate like adults.

Should I reminisce about my senior high school?

Reminiscing the memories in my senior high school was a good idea. Times pass very quickly . Some things may fade but not my memories, memories in my senior high. I do believed that if you’ll miss high school life , you’ll miss the half part of your life.

What should a 17 year old be thinking about?

Most 17-year-olds also are thinking about the future. They begin to establish more concrete plans for college and life after high school. 1  Fluid intelligence also is reached around this age, which means 17-year-olds have an improved ability to cope with new problems and situations. 2.

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Is Your 17-year-old ready for the real world?

If the thought of sending your 17-year-old out into the real world within the next year terrifies you, you’re not alone. Many parents can’t imagine their teen navigating the adult world independently. But often, there’s a lot of growth between 17 and 18 years old.

Is Your 17-year-old daughter smoking or online?

The same is true for smoking. Your 17-year-old daughter has never known a world without the internet. While you might marvel at how fast their thumbs fly over the keyboard on their smartphone, they need your guidance on how to stay safe online. Make sure they:

What should a 17 year old know about dating?

And for some teens, age 17 is the first time they experience a serious romantic relationship and perhaps even their first heartbreak. Also, be on the look out for unhealthy dating relationships, including teen dating violence. Many teens struggle to cope with these adult-like issues.