
Can you see out of a clone trooper helmet?

Can you see out of a clone trooper helmet?

The game shows that, despite a thin visor, clone commando helmets give their wearers excellent visibility in addition to their robust heads-up display (HUD). In the episode “Missing in Action,” clone commando Gregor’s view inside his helmet is also shown, revealing an identical HUD to Legends-era commandos.

Who is the stormtrooper with blood on helmet?

A new trailer for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ was released Thursday afternoon. While we’ve been poring over the new trailer, one of the things we caught is that it looks like Finn (John Boyega), who may be one of the main characters in the film, has a bloody hand mark on his stormtrooper helmet when he takes it off.

Do Stormtrooper helmets have a HUD?

The helmets of stormtroopers of the First Order were equipped with heads-up displays. Mandalorian armor was also equipped with tactical heads-up displays in their helmets.

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Can you sit in clone armor?

We can’t sit. The armor pinches and limits our most basic movements. You must be asking why we subject ourselves to such torture.

Why does Rex have a different helmet?

This is because Wolffe and Rex both took on new helmets throughout their time as leaders in the Grand Army of the Republic. Early on in the Clone Wars, clones wore armor that was colored only to signify their rank. It did not portray what legion they fought under. Also, clones didn’t modify this early armor.

Do Stormtrooper helmets have night vision?

Far be it from us to disagree with a future Jedi Master, but Stormtrooper helmets actually enhance the user’s vision. Early models of the helmets had more basic features built in, such as night vision, infrared, and a basic Heads Up Display.

Do stormtroopers really look alike?

Chances are pretty good that you think most Stormtroopers look alike. That’s true to an extent: part of what makes them scary is that they are an indistinguishable and faceless army. However, if you look closely, you can see some interesting differences.

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Do clone troopers have better helmets than stormtroopers?

Overall, clone troopers had better helmets to suit multiple roles if they relied on their base model, versus stormtroopers who typically use many different models of various types of helmets for their jobs. A clone trooper could modify their helmet more as they ranked up, and had many different styles and ways to do so.

Why are stormtroopers so hard to kill in Star Wars?

This is partly due to the fact that the heroes have plot armor — they’re far less likely to die than Stormtroopers are. Meanwhile, Stormtroopers have Imperial armor instead of plot armor, and that armor has a secret: it makes it hard for them to run.