
What are the benefits of beeswax candles?

What are the benefits of beeswax candles?

Benefits of Beeswax Candles

  • Burn Longer. Solid beeswax candles burn longer than regular paraffin or soy candles.
  • Pull Toxins from the Air. As beeswax candles burn they pull toxins as they ionize the air.
  • Soot Free. Beeswax candles burn cleanly and have no added fragrances or colorings.
  • Ambiance.

Are beeswax candles better than regular candles?

Beeswax Burns Brightly The light emitted by a beeswax candle is much stronger and brighter than that of any other candle. Since paraffin wax has a lower melting point, it has a weaker, less brilliant flame than a beeswax candle.

Are beeswax candles worth it?

Beeswax candles have the highest melting point of all the waxes resulting to a very long burn time. So, even if it is the most expensive candle, beeswax candles lasts longer which offsets the cost. Soy wax candles also burns longer compared to paraffin candles. In terms of scent quality, natural candles still wins.

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Is it healthy to burn beeswax candles?

Beeswax candles emit a bright, healthful light within the same spectrum as the sun — plus negative ions that clean the air and invigorate the body. Beeswax burns longer, drips less, and smells wonderful, naturally.

Do beeswax candles smell nice?

Beeswax candles have a very subtle, natural scent, which evokes the earthy, yet sweet aroma of honey. This makes them perfect to burn on the dinner table, as they don’t overpower food. If you want a heavily scented candle, with a strong scent throw, please choose a different candle.

Is soy wax better than beeswax?

Because they are sometimes impure, soy wax candles can potentially aggravate allergies by releasing soot and other chemicals into the air. In contrast, when a beeswax candle burns, it helps clean the air by releasing negative ions. These help destroy the positively charged allergens and pollutants in your air.

Why are beeswax candles so expensive?

First, there’s the quality of the wax. Beeswax is the priciest, according to Christine Flores of the Beeswax Co., and runs 10 times more than the usual paraffin. Beeswax costs more due to the mind-boggling fact that it takes about 8 pounds of honey to net 1 pound of beeswax. Then there’s a candle’s scent.

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Which is better soy or beeswax candles?

Soy candles tend to produce a white, cool toned flame (think of fluorescent lighting or the light emitted from your cell phone screen or TV at night). Beeswax candles emit a more natural light that is within the same spectrum of the sun. Therefore, beeswax flames tend to be warmer and brighter than soy candles.

Can you add scent to beeswax candles?

Yes, you can. However, beeswax does not hold on to scent as well as some other waxes. For that reason, I blend a little coconut oil into my candles to give the scent more staying power. Fortunately, most beeswax smells faintly of honey, which is delightful all by itself or when blended with essential oils.

What is the healthiest type of candle wax?

Soy wax, beeswax, and palm wax, in 100 percent pure form, provide the healthiest options for candle making.

What is the difference between beeswax and soy candles?

Soy candles are perfect for households with children, Soy wax is water soluble which makes spills easy clean-up with soap & water. Beeswax candles have a slightly longer burn time. Soy candles are renowned for not putting as much soot into the air, more practical for the environment.

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It purifies the air. The beeswax candles emits the same beautiful light spectrum,just like the sun.

  • It supports the beekeepers. Another pertinent reason for burning beeswax candles,is that by burning these candles we can support the bee keepers.
  • They are most natural of candle waxes.
  • Ensures restful sleep.
  • Emit non-toxic fumes.
  • Why do some candles burn faster than others?

    Some candles burn faster than others because of the melting point of the wax used to make them. Soy candles burn faster than paraffin candles. Beeswax candles burn the slowest.

    Why soy candles are the best?

    Many people prefer soy candles to paraffin candles because soy burns cleaner than paraffin wax. This means that the candles produce very little soot and smoke. They are also preferred to beeswax candles because they can be created in any color or fragrance desired. Soy candles are the preferred choice for aromatherapy,…