Did Dumbledore set Snape up?

Did Dumbledore set Snape up?

Based on this, it seems that Dumbledore callously sent Snape to his death. He knew that Voldemort would go after the elder wand and so would follow it to Dumbledore and then Snape (as he does).

What did Dumbledore ask Snape to do at the end of Goblet of Fire?

Severus Snape and the Goblet of Fire Cometh the hour, cometh the Severus. Upon Dumbledore’s request, Snape ended the story by embarking on a dangerous, top-secret mission: to once again join the Death Eaters, and become a double agent.

When did Dumbledore destroy Marvolo Gaunt’s ring?

July 1996
July 1996: Albus Dumbledore destroys Marvolo Gaunt’s ring with Godric Gryffindor’s sword in his headmaster’s office.

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Why did Dumbledore prepare Snape for the task of killing Voldemort?

Aware of his impending death from Marvolo Gaunt’s cursed ring, together with the knowledge that Voldemort had recruited Draco Malfoy as an assassin, Dumbledore prepared Snape for the awful task. Draco’s future would have been cut abruptly short if he’d failed to commit the murder, or taken a very dark turn had he succeeded.

Why did Severus Snape send a message to Albus Dumbledore?

Death Eater Severus Snape sent a message to Albus Dumbledore to meet him on a lonely windswept hilltop in late 1980 so he could warn him that Lily Evans Potter and her child were in danger of being attacked by Voldemort ( DH33 ).

Why didn’t Dumbledore want Draco to kill Snape?

Dumbledore didn’t want Draco to do it and harm his soul, but he also didn’t want to die at the hands of someone who would prolong his death and make it more painful. He preferred that Snape kill him quickly, and since it was done as an act of mercy, Snape’s soul would remain intact.

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When did Dumbledore meet James and Harry Potter?

It is unknown exactly when this meeting took place, but we know it was after Harry’s birth because Snape tells Dumbledore to “hide them all,” meaning James and Harry as well. It could have been any time through autumn or winter of 1980, but most likely August because Voldemort would not have wanted to waste time once the children were born.