
Can any superhero beat the flash?

Can any superhero beat the flash?

Captain Marvel can easily travel through space and she is nearly indestructible. The Flash can hit pretty hard with his incredible speed, but his strength is nowhere near the level of Captain Marvel. In addition to her ability to fly and resilience, Captain Marvel can also use strong energy blasts to beat the Flash.

Can Scarlet Witch beat Doctor Strange?

Even though Dr. Strange and his eye of agamotto, the Scarlet Witch could quite literally make him die instantly. In Avengers Dissembled comic series Dr. Strange was able to defeat Scarlet Witch when she went mad and Killed half the avengers similar to what happened in WandaVision (ie rewriting reality).

How can the Flash defeat Dr Strange?

If Flash doesn’t know anything about Dr Strange and Strange acts quickly or better still unexpectedly, he can take down the Flash in any number of ways such as transport to another dimension (though Flash can jump dimensions) or trapping him in the crimson bands of Cytorrak (sp?).

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Who would win in a fight between Barry and Dr Strange?

However, if Barry refrains from a death stroke, the circumstances shift and the battle could go back and forth. Dr. Strange can easily beat the Flash. Because he has an ability to transport and ability of visual distraction. Also he has a greatest ability that he can make a glass mirror world which is exactly same as the Earth.

Can Shazam Beat Doctor Strange?

What really defeats Doctor Strange in this battle is his heart, and a trick Shazam has used many times over quite successfully. Strange might be able to get the upper hand on the World’s Mightiest Mortal, but should Billy revert to his youthful self and throw off Doctor Strange, he could end the battle with a “Shazam!”

Is the Flash the most difficult DC character to beat?

One of the more difficult characters from the DC universe for any character to face off against is the Flash, as his incredibly super speed and connection to the Speed Force usually give him an unfair advantage over almost any challenger.