
Is it possible to get braces only on the top teeth?

Is it possible to get braces only on the top teeth?

The simple answer is, yes! It’s definitely possible to put braces on just the upper teeth. We do it from time to time and for some patients it works great. But it’s a more suitable option for some people over others.

Can I just get braces on my bottom teeth?

Though it’s possible to get braces on your top or bottom teeth only (also known as single arch orthodontic treatment), it’s only suitable for some patients. For most, it may not be a good idea. It is rare, but some patients only need one-arch treatment.

Do braces go on all teeth?

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Depending on what your issues are, you can get braces on just your upper teeth. This treatment is called single arch orthodontic treatment. Some orthodontists will put braces on just the top teeth before concentrating on your bottom teeth.

What is the age limit for teeth braces?

Children with orthodontic issues can benefit from treatment at almost any age. The most suitable time for placement of braces is between 10 years and 14 years of age, while the mouth and head are still growing, and teeth are more responsive to straightening. Braces aren’t just for kids.

Does wearing braces hurt?

The honest answer is that braces do not hurt at all when they are applied to the teeth, so there is no reason to be anxious about the placement appointment. There will be mild soreness or discomfort after the orthodontic wire is engaged into the newly placed brackets, which may last for a few days to a week.

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Can you get free braces at 16?

NHS funding is available for orthodontic treatment, but it’s in limited supply and usually reserved for under 18s. If you are aged 17 or under, you can ask your dentist for an NHS referral to an orthodontist (a dentist who specialises in straightening teeth).

What are signs that you need braces?

Here are the following visible signs you need braces; 1. Crooked or Crowded Teeth The first sign you should notice from your teeth is crowding. It means that there is not enough for all the teeth to occupy the room in the mouth. Crowding is the most basic reason for some people to undergo orthodontic treatment, especially in children.

Why do people wear braces only on their top teeth?

When you have straight lower teeth, a very little overbite in upper front teeth, and sufficient space in the upper jaw, you may get braces on the top teeth only. In this case, if you wear braces only on upper teeth, overbite and spacing get corrected at the same time as teeth move backward.

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What to expect once you have braces?

Braces will feel strange to your lips and tongue.

  • The “glue” that holds the braces on your teeth is similar to the material we use to fill teeth.
  • Take a look at all of the items we have given you to help keep your teeth clean and comfortable.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day,if you don’t already.
  • Why do my braces hurt so bad?

    The reason braces hurt when you have them put on is because they are applying force on your teeth that makes your teeth move. After a few days, the pain usually goes away as your teeth have already begun the process of moving and the tension in the wire has gone down.