Why is HTML and CSS so hard to learn?

Why is HTML and CSS so hard to learn?

CSS is hard because its properties interact, often in unexpected ways. Because when you set one of them, you’re never just setting that one thing. That one thing combines and bounces off of and contradicts with a dozen other things, including default things that you never actually set yourself.

Is HTML CSS difficult?

Unlike programming languages, HTML and CSS have NO competition. Fortunately, the foundation of HTML and CSS are not that difficult. You can start getting comfortable with HTML in a matter of hours. Basic CSS is also not that difficult, however, CSS can get complicated when trying to build advanced layouts.

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What did I learn from HTML?

HTML—“HyperText Markup Language”—is the language used to tell your web browser what each part of a website is. So, using HTML, you can define headers, paragraphs, links, images, and more, so your browser knows how to structure the web page you’re looking at.

Why is learning HTML important?

Learning HTML and CSS can help you break into a career in tech as a web developer or a web designer. HTML and CSS are the two fundamental skills required for all jobs in web design and development. As a result, these skills are in high demand.

What is the hardest thing in CSS?

The hardest thing about using CSS is getting all of the files involved synchronized with each other. There are two ingredients: a web page that refers to the CSS page, and the CSS page that gives the formatting.

Which is harder HTML CSS or JavaScript?

JavaScript, however, is not a markup language; rather, it is a programming language. That by itself is enough to make learning JavaScript a lot more difficult than HTML. It will, however, take you a lot longer to learn everything that can be done with JavaScript compared to HTML.

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Why is CSS so hard to learn?

This reminds me of one of my favorite blog posts of all time, where Brandon Smith argues that CSS is awesome and we should respect the language and learn how it works under the hood: CSS is hard because its properties interact, often in unexpected ways. Because when you set one of them, you’re never just setting that one thing.

What is the best way to learn HTML5?

Once you have studied HTML and CSS, the best way to learn it is to build some websites. But you also need to have some tricks under your belt , and that you get by coding along with some of the best teachers out there like Brad Traversy and Wes Bos.

What is CSS and how does it work?

Specifically, CSS handles two design-related tasks: Formatting text and controlling page layouts. That’s all it does. And, it’s important to know that CSS is styles-based. This means that it functions just like styles from the world of print design or word processors.

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What are some examples of projects created using pure CSS?

An Masonary Image Gallery created using CSS grid. This project is created using this unit from Wes Bos CSS Grid course. An Conference website created using pure CSS. This project is created using this Shay Howe course.