
Why do I love listening to people talk?

Why do I love listening to people talk?

Listening to someone you open your mind to understand what they say. It also creates a pleasant atmosphere in the conversation where the person who is talking feels comfortable and happy. It opens up the conversation and you create a better communication channel with the other party.

Do some people just like to hear themselves talk?

Conversational narcissists enjoy hearing themselves talk. It doesn’t matter if you talk about your greatest feat or greatest fear, it always comes back to them. Somehow, they always circle back to their story. They don’t intend to be rude.

What does it mean when people like to hear themselves talk?

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like to hear (oneself) talk To be self-absorbed and self-important in one’s speech, without having much or any regard for those to whom one is talking. I learned pretty quickly that the boss just likes to hear herself talk, and she’ll find any excuse to give you a long-winded lecture about something you already know.

Why do people talk so much in their personal life?

Apart from that feeling of ‘have to talk’, in some cases it comes from insecurity of mind. Besides, people generally do things in personal life that they just love to do; be it talking a lot, helping others, poking in others affairs, donating to charities, cheating others.

Why do I talk loud when I talk to people?

Monitor what you do before you speak. One of the reasons we can suddenly become quite loud is a change in environment. Calling someone on an in-car phone means we have to talk louder than normal, which then feels normal. This is suddenly very loud when we speak to someone face-to-face.

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Why do some people talk at a higher volume than others?

They’re trying to prove something. Similar to overcompensation, some people who talk at a high volume are doing so because they feel they need to get their point across. This is a step away from having an argument, in some ways, as the person is desperately trying to get people to hear them so that they can prove their point.

Why is my voice so loud all the time?

Some people do this all the time, however, and it’s often due to a deep-rooted control issue. It may be that the loud talker needs people to know they’re in charge by being the loudest voice in the room. Or it may be that they feel more in control if their voice is drowning out their thoughts. You may also like (article continues below):