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Why do kids ask questions repeatedly?

Why do kids ask questions repeatedly?

Why Do Toddlers Keep Asking Repetitive Questions? They find comfort in repeating, rewinding and replaying questions. It’s just a way of seeking emotional support and acknowledgement. One way of dealing with repetitive questions is to ask him the same to see if he has answers of his own.

What do you do when your child keeps asking for something?

When your child asks for something, listen and think about it before you answer….Here’s how to make saying no work for you:

  1. Give your reason first. If you’ve decided to say no, give your reasons first.
  2. Stick with your decision.
  3. Offer something else, if you can.
  4. Give your child constructive feedback.
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Why do kids like repetitive things?

Toddlers love repetition because it helps them to learn, and because it’s familiar and comforting. From around the age of two, you will notice your toddler repeating the same words and phrases constantly. Through repeating things, your toddler is able to take in new information each time.

What are the signs of Aspergers in a child?

What are the Symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome? Children with Asperger’s Syndrome exhibit poor social interactions, obsessions, odd speech patterns, limited facial expressions and other peculiar mannerisms. They might engage in obsessive routines and show an unusual sensitivity to sensory stimuli.

Why is my child so repetitive?

Repetitive behaviors are characteristic of a variety of disorders or dysfunctions of brain development, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Do I need to retrain my child to do what I ask?

I mean, you do actually need your child to do what she’s asked, the first time. Human nature and habit aside, it would cause so much less stress for everyone if she’d just do it the first time. It’s going to take some time and patience on your part, but you can retrain your child to respond to the first request.

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Why does my child ask why over and over again?

Attention seeking: According to INSEAD professor and questioning expert, Hal Gregerson, a child asks why over and over again either because we do not understand their question or are not listening to them. In such cases, it is often better for your child, and your sanity, to take a short break from what you are doing and talk to them.

How do I get my child to stop repeating questions?

If your child is satisfied with the answer, chances are they will stop repeating it and may allow you to complete the task at hand. If a question needs a longer explanation, try to elaborate on your answer in a way that your child will understand. Accept that you don’t know: It never hurts to tell your child honestly that you don’t know something.

Is your child being trained to not respond to your first requests?

Yes, your child might simply be trained to not respond to your first several requests. Think about it. If you’re in the habit of saying something 4 or 5 times before your child does as you’ve asked – on a good day – why should he do it the first time?