
Should you use C++ for competitive programming?

Should you use C++ for competitive programming?

Widely used: C++ is considered to be the best choice for competitive programming by 75\% of the programmers across the world, as it is usually faster than Java and Python and most of the resources are available in C++.

Is JS good for competitive programming?

According to 2018’s Stack Overflow Developer Survey, 69.8\% of respondents use JavaScript for their development purposes. But, at the same time, it doesn’t shine so well in the case of competitive programming. The reason is that it was simply not built for it!

What programming languages does CodeChef support?

You can submit your solution in any of the programming languages as the contests accept solutions in over 55+ programming languages including C, C++, Java, and Python. Apart from these contests, CodeChef also offers various algorithm tutorials and forum discussions to make the journey of computer programming more feasible.

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What are some of the best competitive programming websites?

Codeforces is one of the top competitive programming websites. It is very popular and provides good level competitive programming competitions where a lot of programmers across the world compete with each other. You can challenge other’s solutions and can earn points through it, this is a slightly different concept from other websites.

What are the best coding challenge websites?

7 Best Coding Challenge Websites in 2020 – GeeksforGeeks. 1 1. TopCoder. TopCoder is one of the most popular platforms for online programming competitions. Anyone can join the Topcoder Community to participate 2 2. HackerRank. 3 3. International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) 4 4. CodeChef. 5 5. Geeks Coding Challenge (GCC)

What are the statistics of CodeChef contests?

Some of the major stats regarding CodeChef contests are listed below: CodeChef has around 1,250,000+ programmers from 12,000 institutions. There are approximately 3200+ programming contests with around 92 million+ submissions. The contests have the prizes of around INR 20,000 for Indian Community and $700 for Global Community.