
Why do some cells have different functions?

Why do some cells have different functions?

Cells of various types have different functions because cell structure and function are closely related. Just as there are many cell types, there are varied cell functions. The generalized cell functions include movement of substances across the cell membrane, cell division to make new cells, and protein synthesis.

Do all cells have the same composition?

All cells are basically the same in chemical composition in organisms of similar species.

Do different cells of the body have different functions?

Most living things are composed of different kinds of cells specialized to perform different functions. Since biochemical function is determined largely by specific enzymes (proteins), different sets of genes must be turned on and off in the various cell types. This is how cells differentiate.

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Do cells look the same and have the same function?

The shape of each cell fits the job, or function, it has to do in the body. Plant cells also look different depending on their job, such as parenchyma cells that make food, or xylem cells that transport water.

How do different cells perform different functions once differentiated?

Transcription factors can turn on at different times during cell differentiation. As cells mature and go through different stages (arrows), transcription factors (colored balls) can act on gene expression and change the cell in different ways. This change affects the next generation of cells derived from that cell.

How do cells become different from one another?

Cell differentiation is how generic embryonic cells become specialized cells. This occurs through a process called gene expression. During cell differentiation, the cell size and shape changes dramatically, as does its ability to respond to signaling molecules.

Which other parts of a cell has the same chemical composition as the cell membrane?

The part of a cell which has the same chemical composition as the cell membrane is the plasma membrane. Plasma membrane is also called as the cell membrane as it divides the interior portion of the cell from the outside environment.

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Why do all cells not have the same function?

Different cells have different jobs to do. Each cell has a size and shape that is suited to its job. Cells that do the same job combine together to form body tissue, such as muscle, skin, or bone tissue. Groups of different types of cells make up the organs in your body, such as your heart, liver, or lungs.

Why don t all cells have the same function?

Gene regulation is how a cell controls which genes, out of the many genes in its genome, are “turned on” (expressed). These different patterns of gene expression cause your various cell types to have different sets of proteins, making each cell type uniquely specialized to do its job.

Why do all of these cells look different from each other and have different organelles?

Cells have to fulfill multiple different functions to be able to build complex multicellular organisms. Differently expressed genes lead to different proteins made in the cell, which leads to different morphology, shape or function.

How the cells of a human can have very different functions although they contain the same genetic information?

Gene regulation makes cells different These different patterns of gene expression cause your various cell types to have different sets of proteins, making each cell type uniquely specialized to do its job.

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Why do C-cells have to fulfill multiple functions?

Cells have to fulfill multiple different functions to be able to build complex multicellular organisms. Differently expressed genes lead to different proteins made in the cell, which leads to different morphology, shape or function.

Do all cells in a cell have the same function?

No ,cell donot have same functions …All crlls are of different shape . Because they all perform differnt function . For example Rbs and Wbcs perform different function.

Why do cells have different sets of genes for each cell?

The reason is that each cell — whether a neuron, skin cell, or a photoreceptor cell — uses the genes that it has differently. All cells have the same set of genes (~20,000 in humans) but it is up to the individual cell whether each gene is turned on or off.

Why can’t liver cells differentiate into other types of cells?

Stems cell cans differentiate into any other kind of cell. While liver cells don’t do so. It is not that they can’t, it’s just that the genes that would enable them to perform other functions are not expressed. Having all cells performing a…(more)Loading….