Tips and tricks

How did Snape feel about Umbridge?

How did Snape feel about Umbridge?

When he disliked Umbridge as much as we did… Dolores Umbridge was just dreadful. The mere thought of her little dry cough or simpering smile is enough to bring on a rage headache and it seemed that Severus felt exactly the same.

Does Snape really hate Harry?

Snape is generally depicted as being cold, calculating, precise, sarcastic, and bitter. He strongly dislikes Harry and often insults him by insulting his father James. As the series progresses, it is revealed that his treatment of Harry stems from Snape’s bitter rivalry with James when they were in school together.

Why didn’t Snape fight Umbridge?

Snape is Slytherin through and through. He saw nothing to gain from trying to fight Umbridge, and he was probably quite confident that she wouldn’t actually kill Harry. Snape wanted to keep Harry alive and he wanted to destroy Voldemort. That’s it.

Was there a natural alliance between Severus Snape and Dolores Umbridge?

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Dolores Umbridge abused her authority in ways that made Severus Snape seem like a teddy bear; she humiliated him in front of the Potions class. There is no “natural alliance” between Dolores Umbridge and Severus Snape.

What do you think about Umbridge?

Umbridge on the other hand is incompetent as a teacher, as a leader, mediocre at best as a witch and uses everything to achieve her own goals of petty entertainment (which include torture of children, incidentally).

Did Snape plant clues to Lupin’s condition?

Of course, Snape did also plant clues to Lupin’s condition when he took over his class, but we’re not saying he was perfect. Snape was Dumbledore’s man from the moment Lily was murdered. Over the years he did whatever he could to try to make up for his past as a Death Eater, and he followed Dumbledore – for the most part – without question.